There is a non documented maya node in 2018 which is somehow "interesting".
Just select an object and type the mel command "polyRetopo;" todo some magic.
This automatic retopo could in combo with booleans lead to some new workflows.
Looks like it does only work on Windows.
Otherwise on low rez mesh it's pretty kewl
Thanks !
Sometimes its doing really good retopo on hardsurface meshes.
Have todo more tests.
@pasha_sevez is that the same remesher that gets used in particle conversion?
That does work fine.
Both nodes does preserve hard edges!
a six edge cylinder will stay a six edge cylinder even if the high would have more that six sides.
1. The polyRetopo will generate a bit cleaner geo if previous topology has uniform topology all over insted of huge ngons.
2. polyRemesh key feature "Smooth Strength" which will smooth out low poly look on curved surfaces. Important is to balance between using Smooth Strength and amonut of topology. For example on image above the topology is way to dense so it should have been way less and with that Smooth Strength works better too....basically play around with those until you get smooth enough result before going to polyRetopo.
To keep in mind is that both polyRemesh and polyRetopo are aware of hard edges and will preserve them so be sure to check those after using booleans.
It's actually better than zremesher for preserving hard edge, even if you can do some trick with polyground I feel it's still " cleaner " than zremesher, the only bad part is that it just take forever on dense mesh
I asked the guy that runs Oh My Maya a bit about it, he said they didn't advertise it since it isn't production ready yet. I think it's cool of them to throw it out there anyway.
The only thing im missing is symmetry. Looks like the Symmetry option does nothing?
I tried this method with a mesh that i exported from inventor but no luck so far. I pasted into max to transform it on poly, and, as expected, I got a bunch of weird triangles and ngons. Sent to maya but couldnt fix it
Does anyone has any suggestions?
polyRetopo does not always work in maya 2018.
but this is a very interesting working method
Have in mind it does only work with single polyshells.