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Simple scene

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fullpinkdog greentooth
Hi guys!
I wanted to go through entirely pipeline of creating environment assets. I'm new in UE4 btw.
So I ask you for some feedback. Ruthless criticism.
Tris in all assets: 6964
2 materials
5.12px/unit and 2048 textures map (a few very small deteils > 5.12px/unit)
(*uuuuhhh somewhere here should be zbrush i guess*)
Subctance Designer
Subctance Painter
Unreal Engine 4
uuuuuhhhhhh, what else information i should to tell?

Also! I have some issue with metal material, at this frame(and in previous one) it's black for some reason, but in the next frame with some kinda weird angle of view metal material starting become a little bit yellower as it's have to be. (?????) in SP all were ok


  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    Hey, here's some critiques I have;

    Floor needs to have a higher rough value. I feel like you could desaturate the colour a lot as well.
    The wood grain is going the wrong way on parts of the door and the table.
    The door handles should be on the same side on all the doors. Right now it looks like you mirrored the doors to the other side of the hallway.
    The wallpaper and ceiling kind of remind me of an old school high class hotel, like from The Shining or something. But the floor screams discount hotel. I feel it would look cooler if the floor was some trippy 60's tiles.
  • fullpinkdog
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    fullpinkdog greentooth
    The door handles should be on the same side on all the doors. Right now it looks like you mirrored the doors to the other side of the hallway.
    Oh man, this is so stupid mistake haha
    And thanks a lot man, really helpful

  • blueblur22
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    blueblur22 polycounter lvl 6
    Here are a couple of notes:
    • The color/saturation of the wooden floor does not fit the rest of the scene. It's almost cartoonishly bright orange against the natural earth tones of everything else. Dull it more to match the rest of the scene, or consider a different color all together. Perhaps a darker brown to compliment the rest of the stained wood in the scene.
    • The normal map on the walls look like it's trying to be poorly painted drywall, but it comes off as looking like stone. If it is supposed to be wallpaper, it should either be flat and relatively dull or have a very subtle grain in a vertical/horizontal/crosshatch patter (usually). Browse around online for IRL examples. Bonus points if you add a subtle vertical seam too, but that's up to you.
    • I'm not a fan of the alternating patter on those base boards. It's really busy to the eye. Also I've never seen this IRL, but maybe that's just me. If you want to keep it though, you need to add some scuffs/scratches to the material and drop the gloss on it. It looks like it's brand new and possibly made of glossy plastic.
    • The light coming from those fixtures looks like it's from a fluorescent bulb, but those fixtures should have standard halogen incandescent bulbs in them. Essentially, the light is too white. Try adding a slight yellow tint to the light coming from those fixtures.
    • The table and chair don't make sense in this scene. They are too big and block the path of the hallway. Consider a small bench on the wall instead of just remove them completely.
    I agree with pretty much everything @Ashervisalis said too. Think about all of that and share some new pix when you're ready for more. The scene has a lot of room for improvement, but it's got some solid potential. Keep at it.

  • fullpinkdog
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    fullpinkdog greentooth
    Think about all of that and share some new pix when you're ready for more. The scene has a lot of room for improvement, but it's got some solid potential. Keep at it.
    Surely will do, thanks for this feedback 
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