Hello polycounters. I posted this tread
Portfolio Feedback 2 years ago, in Nov 2016. Right after that I found my first gamedev job in this company:
Eagle Dynamics. They make hardcore flying simulator "DCS". This is how latest jet model looks like:
DCS: F-14 . As you can see this jet model looks really really good. But it is not my model

As a rookie I’m making ground vehicles and weapons like this: This is British surface-to-air system "Rapier". This complex comtains 2 cars (Land Rover 101 FC & Land Rover 109 SIII), Launcher, Radar, Optical Tracker and one tactical shovel.
1. Land Rover 101 FC & Launcher:

2. Land Rover 109 SIII & Radar:


Every model has 3 texture set: Default, Muddy and Winter:

Deployed Launcher:


That's it. My biggest project so far. I spent almost 6 month doing this. Everything is animated, every model has 4-5 LODs and 3 texture sets.
PS: I almost forgot shovel:

By the way every model has destroyed state:
I'll post texture sets a bit later...
Some feedback, I think the road surface on the tires could be a bit more uneven and worn down, they look very clean and smooth at the moment.
With the winter tires, instead of this:
I think it could look better with snow inside the treads instead of just on the road surface:
1. Main exterior
2. Tent
3. Chassis + Wheel
4. Interior.
Why so many parts? Because of seasons variations. Muddy car has the same tent and interior as default car. Winter texture set changes only tent, exterior and chassis.
Every texture variation:
Models are well detailed but textures are not very interesting. My task was to make realistic military models. So I couldn't make too many scratches, dirt and rust.
UV Layout: Models in DCS supports user-made skins. So almost every polygon of a model has its own uv. There is no tiling and no any trick to save texture space.
But winter tires - it was demand of my art director. After I made "inside snow" he told me "No, we make outside snow on our models. It looks better in your game".