Hello my fellow artists!
Here is a personal game I been working on, on the side. It still has ways to go but I am very proud of what I've accomplished so far and wanted to share. If anyone see something I can improve upon than please tell me.
There are several videos on my YouTube Channel. Showing where I started, to where I'm at now (I came a long way and I'm just still beginning this journey)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_D0GYdeaxeMQeAhnjVP0LA Software used so far:
Substance Painter
3D Coat
Unreal Engine 4

Here he is in action in UE4:
https://youtu.be/2OtEQ6UWjdkMain Character:

UE4 Screen Shot:

Main Weapons in the Game I call Bladecards:

This is ongoing and I hope to show more as I progress on my game.
Thanks for stopping by!
Here it is in UE4