Goal: prepare uvs for a game ready model to generate textures inside Substance painter.
I have two objects (
let us assume both have some asymmetry in it):is it better to preserve a "better orientation" like this
or is it better to save space like that
remember: "cut" both in halve and also rotate to a better orientation is not possible of
There is even some scripts out there that automate the process, though I haven't tried them.
If you aren't using MD, you may still want to look at the process just to see what the "perfect" UV's are. Of course it is situational, and you'll learn the best answer to your specific situation by going ahead and experimenting with the different approaches.
Here is some current work I am doing where I am asking the same question to myself (it's in progress, don't judge the mess). So I have this saree that, although being wrapped around the body and pleated in places, it's nothing but a big rectangle. So, ideally, I keep my UV's that big rectangle, then applying intricate patterns to it will be a cinch. I could just copy real life saree patterns directly. That would be ideal. However, will distortion make that impossible? Maybe I can just use a really big texture, or maybe even several, so the distortion isn't too bad? Maybe I'll just have to cut it up into random chunks and just do my best with 3d painting. Who knows, can't really answer until I try.
i guess maybe my core question is: what benefits do i have if i rotate it?