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JorisArt greentooth
I've started incorporating ZBrush in my workflow and I'm having a blast with it! Didn't know it had so many neat features.

I started with a blockout in Maya. Now I'm detaching different panels and pieces from that blockout to create the high res version.

The main body is almost done. Not fully satisfied with the wheels and suspension yet so I'll have to make some changes before moving on to the interior.

Hope you like it so far! Comments and critique are greatly appreciated.


  • JorisArt
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    JorisArt greentooth
    Made some changes to the suspension and wheels, added lights and other minor details, and made the side step more functional by making it flat

  • CybranM
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    CybranM interpolator
    "Hold B to flip vehicle" :smile:

    The edges look a bit soft but it might work well when baked.
    It would be interesting if you added bit more geo details, stuff like wires and tanks or other things that arent part of the vehicle body, if youre not following the game model super closely. Also things like where the wheels attach to the suspension could be improved and made more believable but again, would make the model less like the ingame model.
  • MorbidPandaUK
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    MorbidPandaUK polycounter lvl 2
    That's looking great so far!

    I think the tires look a bit overly smooth in the latest screenshots, but I imagine a good texture will sort that out.

    I look forward to seeing more detail in the interior! 
  • JorisArt
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    JorisArt greentooth
    More work on the interior:

    Definitely not satisfied with the seats yet, I'll have to play around with them some more.
    CybranM said:
    "Hold B to flip vehicle" :smile:
    I was thinking the same thing :D
    CybranM said:
    The edges look a bit soft but it might work well when baked.
    It would be interesting if you added bit more geo details, stuff like wires and tanks or other things that arent part of the vehicle body, if youre not following the game model super closely. Also things like where the wheels attach to the suspension could be improved and made more believable but again, would make the model less like the ingame model.
    To be honest I prefer the edges not to be too sharp, but maybe you're right. I'll have to see what happens when it's baked. Thanks for the advice, I want to stay close to the original model, but improve on it wherever I can. After I'm done with the original model I'll see if I can add some cool stuff to it.
    That's looking great so far!

    I think the tires look a bit overly smooth in the latest screenshots, but I imagine a good texture will sort that out.

    I look forward to seeing more detail in the interior! 
    You have a good eye, I actually did make the tires a bit more smooth. I was debating whether I should do it or not, maybe I should revert it :thinking:
  • JorisArt
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    JorisArt greentooth
    Finished the interior. Let me know what you think.
    I want this to be AAA quality, I just don't think I'm there yet..
    I'll be blocking out the weapons next.

  • JorisArt
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    JorisArt greentooth
    Added a cup holder after realizing that shooting aliens can leave you dehydrated quickly. Also blocked out the AA gun

  • JorisArt
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    JorisArt greentooth
    More progress:

  • JorisArt
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    JorisArt greentooth
    After taking a break I'm excited to get back to this project!
    I recently finished the complete high poly. At the moment I'm preparing the low poly for baking.
    Feedback would be greatly appreciated!

  • Gustavo_Elliott
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    Gustavo_Elliott polycounter lvl 6
    This is really cool stuff, the modularity is fantastic. Very inspirational, thanks for posting! Maybe 343 should give you a call :wink:
  • JorisArt
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    JorisArt greentooth
    A man can only dream.. Thank you for your words!
  • JorisArt
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    JorisArt greentooth
    Another update, did the low poly and bake for the exterior, interior, suspension + wheels and the LAAG:

    Made some changes to the steering wheel plus a few other areas in the interior

    Trying out smart materials for fun

    Wire shots in Marmoset 2

    Maya viewport

    I'm excited to start texturing! Will have to get the remaining attachments done first though.
  • JorisArt
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    JorisArt greentooth

    Did the remaining attachments and made some other necessary changes:

    • Replaced the iron sights on the LAAG with a proper red dot sight
    • Increased overall polycount to reduce flatness
    • Resculpted the high poly, I wanted the details to be way more subtle
    • Made some changes to the mirroring reducing the number of seams
    • Distributed some floating geo used for decals later on
    • Baked the ID maps

    That’s it! Unless I’m missing something I'd call it ready for texturing which is what the next update will be about.

  • JorisArt
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    JorisArt greentooth
    A lot of times I feel like my textures are not living up to their potential, which saddens me because the end product doesn't really feel worthy of all of the hours that were put into it. Maybe someone can relate?

    Feedback would be very very much appreciated!

  • JorisArt
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    JorisArt greentooth
    Instead of screenshotting Painter's viewport I took some time to set up a scene in UE4 to render in.

    Here is some more progress. I fixed the mirrored text and got started on the gauss cannon. Still need to add some emissive details for the driver + passenger monitors, and improve other things that I'm not really happy with like the interior for example.

  • JorisArt
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    JorisArt greentooth
    Ammo box prop created for the transport variant, also worked on the lights a bit

    Playing around with older assets I made
  • JorisArt
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    JorisArt greentooth
    Created a net material in Designer + Painter to create some storage space for the transport variant
  • JorisArt
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    JorisArt greentooth
    Warthog is on Artstation! https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Z5q9yX

    I hope you like it!
  • CybranM
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    CybranM interpolator
    This is looking great, its really coming together now with the environment :smiley:
    The last screenshot is a bit dark, I think you could add a few more lights to better highlight the warthogs
  • ChrisFraser
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    ChrisFraser polycounter lvl 5
    This is looking very cool.

    I feel like if you worked on some close up glam shots in the garage scene of the last pic you could really show this thing off. Working with shadows and light in a scene like that would take it to the next level.
  • JorisArt
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    JorisArt greentooth
    Thank you for the feedback! I tried playing around with the lighting a bit more, let me know what you think!

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