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Feedback for a fight scene

Hey guys!

I am currently working on an animation of a fight scene, it is my first time trying something like that so i would welcome any feedback :smile:

Here is a link to syncsketch: https://syncsketch.com/sketch/1f2c28dfb9cb/#559258

Thank you very much!


  • Archanex
    Offline / Send Message
    Archanex polycounter lvl 19
    Hey Carlos,

    Thanks for posting! Do you have reference for this piece? Right now it feels like there's a lot of mechanics issues where the character doesn't feel balanced or a hit that lacks impact. There is also a lack of dynamicism and shape change in this animation. it feels like both characters are completely rigid in their spines for almost all of the animation.  Because of this, I would consider starting with something simpler like a ball bounce or a character sitting in a chair, and then once you have a good grasp on the mechanics you could come back and do a fight scene that blows this one out of the water. However, if you've got your heart set on jumping straight to fight scenes, I would highly recommend finding some good reference if you don't already have some. Also I wouldn't worry about rendering stuff out at this stage, just focus on the 12 principles and kick out a playblast and then post your updates here. 

    One last thing, I would recommend saving this animation somewhere it won't get lost. If you keep at it, and take the advice of people on this forum, you will someday look back on this and be amazed at how far you've come. Best of luck!
  • CarlosRodr
    Archanex said:
    Hey Carlos,

    Thanks for posting! Do you have reference for this piece? Right now it feels like there's a lot of mechanics issues where the character doesn't feel balanced or a hit that lacks impact. There is also a lack of dynamicism and shape change in this animation. it feels like both characters are completely rigid in their spines for almost all of the animation.  Because of this, I would consider starting with something simpler like a ball bounce or a character sitting in a chair, and then once you have a good grasp on the mechanics you could come back and do a fight scene that blows this one out of the water. However, if you've got your heart set on jumping straight to fight scenes, I would highly recommend finding some good reference if you don't already have some. Also I wouldn't worry about rendering stuff out at this stage, just focus on the 12 principles and kick out a playblast and then post your updates here. 

    One last thing, I would recommend saving this animation somewhere it won't get lost. If you keep at it, and take the advice of people on this forum, you will someday look back on this and be amazed at how far you've come. Best of luck!
    Hey Archanex,

    First at all thank you so much for your time!
    I had a few references for the punch and kick, and I thought why not make a fight scene? And probably I have gone above my knowledge and abilities on this one :s
    So I am going to take your advice and I am going to start again with something more simpler. And then blow this one out of the water :)

    One more time thank you for your time, I really appreciate your feedback!
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