I am getting so fed up of these crashes and freezes i'm seriously considering new software. I have been getting them randonmly over the past few weeks and now i am at the stage of my model where i am exploding the mesh to bake normal maps, every time i move a HP part to align with LP part it just freezes. dooes anyone know what i can do? i use max 18
Intel I 7700
GTX 1070
When max crashes on me it is usually because the modifier stack has grown pretty big and it has a lot of operations it's working through. The the objects history can slow things down or cause a crash. Some operations in a modifier stack like Smooth set to Auto, or ProOptimize that needs to recalculate can really gum up the stack or cause issues.
If you're moving a high poly object with snaps turned on it can lag pretty hard too.
Also make sure the Ribbon closed, that little fucker can lag the UI and cause crashes. I swear some of it's tools cause memory leaks
Also be careful if you're using a script that adds custom attributes to objects, especially if it keeps adding new attributes each time you run the tool. There are some scripts out there that don't do a good job of cleaning up after themselves. If you get too many attributes it can cause a hang when the UI loads or switches between modes (vert, edge, poly). You, might not realize they are there unless you scroll down the modifier stack.
Speaking of scripts in general, there have been a lot of scripts written by a lot of different people of varying degrees of aptitude, so be careful with the scripts that you install, especially if they are older scripts and deal with UI components.
It could also be a corrupt scene file. If it crashed and you loaded the file it tried to save, you'll almost always have issues. Instead load one of the autosaved files and work forward from there. Those warning when it crashes about the saved file being screwed aren't to be taken lightly. In some extreme cases, if you really need to salvage an object from one of those files, you should export it out and load it into a fresh scene.