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[WIP] Character Monster Girl

polycounter lvl 4
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Malzeick polycounter lvl 4
Hello everyone! I wanted to share with you my work in progress for the Artstation Challenge!
I am doing the Hari Onago by Moritz Cremer. I love the flow of the hair and the design of the clothes is wonderfull.

So, here we go!

first WIP posted on Artstation, Satoshi Arakawa gave me some advices for the shape (more thin members, tweak of the head)

Here is a WIP of where I was yesterday. The sleeves, the choker and the hair are next in the to-do list :D
You can check out better pictures on my submission!

C&C welcomes :D


  • Malzeick
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    Malzeick polycounter lvl 4
    New WIP of today!!! you can see more details picture on my submission!

  • HarlequinWerewolf
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    HarlequinWerewolf polycounter
    That's a really cool design! I love the shapes you've got in there already. For me though, the shoulders look a little too broad and her ribs feel too narrow before they transition into the waist. You have them broad at the top to fit in with the shoulders but they narrow too quickly I think. I hope that makes sense, I think this has some amazing potential!
  • Malzeick
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    Malzeick polycounter lvl 4
    I see what you mean, and you are right, she has a bit too contrasted between the shoulders and the waist. i'm gonna tweak that, thanks for the advice! :smiley:
  • Sense42
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    Sense42 polycounter lvl 8
    That's a really nice concept. Before starting the detail phase I would take a second look at you proportions, torso area and shoulders. I did a quick paintover, I hope you don't mind. It's not perfect, my drawing skill are pretty bad
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
  • blueblur22
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    blueblur22 polycounter lvl 5
    carvuliero already outlines a few good points, especially with the long neck and small head. From what I can tell on the concept art, I think you have some anatomy issues on the torso side profile. You'll have to look up some actual side profiles, but I tried to hack out an outline to give you an idea on what I mean.

    + The belly is a bit big for a fit woman wearing a corset. Even my example lines above might be a bit much. Corsets usually make the belly flat or even concave, depending on the design.
    + The butt is too big. The concept art looks like they are going for a more "fit" or "athletic" body type.
    + The breasts are too separated and have too much gravity on them. Based on the concept art (and assuming that's an over-bust corset), you need to treat it more like a push-up bra. While the anatomy you have is great if she had on standard bra, I would strongly suggest you look up more reference pix on women wearing over-bust corsets or pushup bras. The top curve should be less gentle with gravity and more like the concept art has with a sudden angle like water balloons.

  • Malzeick
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    Malzeick polycounter lvl 4
    So much advices, thank you! :open_mouth:
    I'm going to work on it!

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