looks like I snagged second place! really cool to be listed up there with all those badass artists, an incredible amount of output from everyone involved! Will be doing a post mortem/breakdown video this weekend but for anyone considering vlogging their next challenge or even just participating, it's definitely worth it. here are some quick numbers: artstation following: more than doubled, from an initial 700 to currently 1600+ youtube channel: from 0 to 1300+ subs in the month and a half the challenge ran since I started it Linkedin in connections: from 1200 to now over 3500+
Even if you are starting from zero across the board, it's a great way to get some attention to your work and create opportunity for yourself. That was kinda the whole point of why I documented the challenge in the first place, to show anyone struggling to get a job the action they should be taking to create opportunity for themselves in 2019.
I want to say a huge thanks to everyone for their support and the insane amount of people who hit me up in the DM with questions or saying I helped them out in some way shape or form. That has been super rewarding and motivates me to keep making more content for everyone you da best guys!
artstation following: more than doubled, from an initial 700 to currently 1600+
youtube channel: from 0 to 1300+ subs in the month and a half the challenge ran since I started it
Linkedin in connections: from 1200 to now over 3500+
Even if you are starting from zero across the board, it's a great way to get some attention to your work and create opportunity for yourself. That was kinda the whole point of why I documented the challenge in the first place, to show anyone struggling to get a job the action they should be taking to create opportunity for themselves in 2019.
I want to say a huge thanks to everyone for their support and the insane amount of people who hit me up in the DM with questions or saying I helped them out in some way shape or form. That has been super rewarding and motivates me to keep making more content for everyone