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Solved: Quixel DDO, Mesh appears to look torn up with poorly placed textures.

After attempting to put a .blend and .obj file into the mesh slot for quixel DDO, it rejects both with the same error as seen in the .png and topic.

In full, it's "There seems to be missing Texture Coordinates (UVs) from the mesh. Please make sure UVs are exported alongside mesh!"

The .blend file has a High Poly and Low Poly (specifically a Retopology of the High Poly), and the image is before a normal map is baked. 

Please help, and thank you for anybody's time.


  • Nearer

    Okay, so I've looked into my mesh, and after using the ctrl+alt+shift+m command in Blender, it found several lines of non-manifold elements. I'm unfamiliar with what these are and how to fix them, and after googling it, I haven't found enough info to really help me. I think these (non-manifold elements) may be the underlying problem, if I could be elucidated on fixes, I'd appreciate that.
  • Nearer
    Okay, so now I've managed to fix non-manifold elements by applying the mirror modifier, and deleting a hidden edge.

    However, a new problem arises.


    The model's texturing looks torn up in several places. What is the underlying issue now?
  • Nearer
    Okay, final update. I managed to fix it. I used an old file, and I didn't have to actually apply the mirror modifier. However, there was a layer for the High Poly and Low Poly. I deleted the High Poly layer and thus the High Poly itself, and only had the Low Poly on its own in an .obj file. I believe a .blend file would work too. 
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Looks like you've solved this! For future reference:

    All models must be triangulated before exporting for view in 3DO.
    All models must be exported as the object desired for texturing.
    All objects on one set of UVs must be combined before exporting to the software.

    If you run into anything else, please let me know and I'll see what I can do to help out.
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