*** After more testing, the problem is not with any specific version of Painter, but with using passthrough layers and the clone brush. After a good amount of data is accrued, especially with normal channels, exporting the textures so that I can delete out the passthrough layer keeps things running fine.
I've had to roll back to Substance Painter 2 due to the latest version being unusually slow. Here is my setup:

I am working with two texture sets. A few days ago I had them both at 4k and could paint with little or no lag, and with a number of fill layers/mask. Yesterday the app started slowing down significantly. So I closed all other apps, rebooted Painter, ensured my TDR delay is lengthened, updated graphics drivers. I also reduced the texture sets to 2k, and the shader quality to very low. Still the app runs so slow it is not useable. To be a little more specific, brush strokes, even using a quick click of the mouse, require 4-5 seconds to respond. Using polygon/mesh/uv chunk fill is equally slow. Switching between texture sets and layers also gives a lengthy "thinking" bar.
I migrated the project to Substance Painter 2, which is running smooth with 4k texture sets. Weird side issue -- Substance Painter 2 won't let me create a new project. Instead I have to open and existing one and then go to project settings to swap out the mesh. That's another issue, and not a big deal anyway.
Is there some compatibility issue with current graphics card drivers?
I started running into the same slow down in Substance Painter 2. It seems that having a couple layers with lots of clone brush data and passthrough layer blend can bog things down. If I export the document channels, delete out my layers, and bring things back it runs fine.