I saw
this concept by Eugene Gottsnake on an old
monthly environment art challenge and decided to make my own version.

I tried using Modo's mesh fusion system for most of the head which worked great for the HP and its textured in substance painter.
Feedback is very welcome

Edit: fixed the metal material, new images
I changed the colour a bit on the triangle but it might still be a bit too de-saturated as you pointed out.
I also changed the pose to be closer to the concept but it isnt identical, it looked off when I tried it in 3d.
I've learnt a lot during this project, especially rendering in Marmoset and rigging in Modo. The rigging was probably the thing that was the most confusing, I dont think the rig is very good but its serviceable for posing the model.
These images and a few more are up on my Artstation :smiley:
But the material is too clean, you can't really tell the difference what is what because it's an almost universal roughness value for all of the objects. The head itself doesn't look metallic, which is strange, did you check the values in SP?
I'd work more on the materials, I think you can make them way, way better. Like, killer better. You already did a stellar job on the model, don't stop there.
Both you and CanberkYucekok said the same thing about the body not being metallic. I read the concept as as metal with a thin layer of paint on-top, I'm guessing you think of it more as anodized aluminium?
I changed the shell to be anodized aluminium with a relatively light colour and rendered it:
Is this closer to what you thought the concept was trying to convey?
The emissive details are really hard to do justice in marmoset since there isnt any "glow" effect and I'm not experienced enough with faking it. I'm having a hard time improving the rest of the materials, I can add more discolouration to the metals but it starts to look really weird. The concept seems pretty clean and Id assume a robot working with data ports would be in a clean environment.