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Environment Demo Reel Feedback pls!

polycounter lvl 3
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Kebet polycounter lvl 3
Hello there! I just finished my very first environment modelling reel and i would like to ask for some feedback or advice to improve my works. Right now i am trying to learn substance designer but i am just a rookie. I would apreciate any tipe of advices. Thank you! 



  • Doxturtle
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    Doxturtle polycounter lvl 8
    It would be nice to see them textured, most games companies aren't hiring purely for environment modelling, they want to see your ability to texture 
  • Shyralon
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    Shyralon polycounter lvl 11
    First, I would not recommend doing a demo reel for environment/modeling, just use artstation instead.
    From my experience demoreels mainly make sense for everything which needs to be in motion - animation, fx, maybe rigging stuff.
    For everything else having a website is much faster and easier to review.

    In terms of quality, for me it currently feels like a work in progress.
    Aside from the missing textures (which you should definetly add at some point), there are a lot of hard, low poly edges and a lack of detail.
    If you want to work for film, subdivide/bevel your edges and model out a lot more details.
    If it's for games, take a look at normal mapping and add the smooth edges and more details through them - there is no reason to have lowpoly edges visible if it is not part of the artstyle.

    The models themselves are looking great, just need a bit more work to really stand out :)

  • Kebet
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    Kebet polycounter lvl 3
    @Doxturtle @Shyralon thanks for your advice, I will focus then on learning how to texture them now and improve my models to create a detailed environment.

    Aaaand I will post them in Artstation  :)
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    Also these look like they are rendered from your 3d program of choice? If you are looking at just the games industry, then for environment positions more than others, being able to work in engine is very important. I would try and put together a scene in Unreal Engine or Unity.

    Personally, as long as you have the static portfolio shots, I think having an aditional fly-through video is just fine :)
  • Kebet
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    Kebet polycounter lvl 3
    @fearian thats right, I rendered all in maya, next time I am going to put all together in UE. Thank you!  :)
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