Title explains my question. Mostly looking for a "Whats the best/most efficient" Way to make game props for UE4. In my case its signs. Should each sign have its own uv? Or can I make tons of signs and have them all unwrap to a single uv sheet.
Are you asking if you should use one texture for multiple objects? Or if you should use the same UV layout for different objects? What are you asking here?
You can make one sign, unwrap to one UV and create thousand instances drawn in very less drawcalls using instanced static meshes in ue4. You could also create one single sign in your 3d program, unwrap it and duplicated it inside this 3d object thousand times so every sign uses the same UV (overlapping UVs). If you use UE4s instanced static meshes, its drawing stuff using batching. This might not as efficient as the second method. I dont know how UE4 handles batching but in Unity e.g. it is only possible to draw a few hundred instances per batch. So if you exceed the the maximum number of instances per batch, a new batch will be created which also adds another draw call. But dont know how UE4 handles this exactly. Anyways, first and second method are both very efficient when it comes to rendering-time in UE4 (at least almost).In both cases each sign will have the same material applied so they can only differ in transformation (position, rotation, scale).
Check out UE4 instanced static meshes or for a general purpose, overlapping UVs ...
Check out UE4 instanced static meshes or for a general purpose, overlapping UVs ...