As the title says, after tackling my first tutorial ever on blender over a donut and a mug (I know, classic. ) I decided to just go at creating my first character for an idea I've had for quite some time now. I should probably go back to the tutorials but i always feel i learn better from just watching and tinkering, so i did just that. The goal was not only to use this as a learning experience but to focus on making the model as sound as possible to potentially use it for an animation or as a video game asset in a mobile game.
Im 100% open to all feedback and to be honest, as someone who has been lurking on this site without having the guts to post let alone take a shot at actually modeling something for months now. I got goosebumps when it hit me that i get to finally make a post!!
Stylistically, structurally, or pipeline oriented ALL FEEDBACK WELCOME!!
Now, for some back story on Jay. Hes a Joint, a Magical Joint who has seen it all. He has traveled with Willie Nelson on tour, and survived on set for the first two cheech and chong movies. No one knows his age, origin, or if hes even real or just a by product of some lengthy sesh's. The truth is, He was rolled from sacred weed and he came to life for a noble and harrowing task. To fight the Dangerous pharmaceutical underworld one xanax at a time! Hes a hero through and through with a chiseled chin (for a joint..) and few words to spare. The idea is he uses different strains of weed that he finds to change his powers, that is why the top was left empty to easily add attachments to the top part. The hands will be floating, disney, puffy white glove style. Sorry if i didnt light it well enough, still learning that too. The stechfab isnt load the materials but thats ok because it was really basic. Just make sure to change the setting to matcap to see the sculpt better.

Ok ok, before it gets taken into political agenda, please none of that here. This is about the art. I understand what pharmaceuticals have done for our advancement in society and its not an attack on modern science as i personally wouldnt be here without it.
The idea seems alright. Could use some more time in the concept stage: reminds me too much of Aqua Teen HUnger Force.