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Ncloth already animated objects

polycounter lvl 4
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bybyle polycounter lvl 4

So I animated a character running (I didnt keep a T-pose at the beginning).
And I would like to attach a coat to it. The coat is still at T-pose while the character is at the running pose. What should I do to attach the coat to the character whith the coat Moving as the character is running without restarting the animation?

I dont know if it's clear enough? Do not hesitate asking questions I'm not English native :confused: 
THanks !


  • HarlequinWerewolf
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    HarlequinWerewolf polycounter
    What software did you animate in? Are you able to go to around frame -10 and reset the character to the T-Pose? Then you can set those keys and it should start running again at frame 0 (or 1). I've done that a few times in the past when I had issues with skinning
  • bybyle
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    bybyle polycounter lvl 4
    Yeah thanks I tried it before but didnt change the settings of the ncloth so it didnt work but now that I did it it works, but I ran into an other problem : 

    Everything works pretty much fine, but, as you can see on the screens, the Bottom of the trench just goes up everytime I cache the cloth. What setting should i change to do it? (thats around 50 frames in). It does that only when the character is Moving, if not, the simulation works fine

    Everything is done in Maya

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