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Is PixaFlux can be considered as an alternative for the substance suite ?

polycounter lvl 2
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Hassan polycounter lvl 2
Hey guys, I just discovered this tool , pixaflux, and I'd like to know your opinion about it, can it be considered as an alternative for the substance suite, or close to them, what also it can do if yes? 


  • zachagreg
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    zachagreg ngon master
    There is already quite a large thread on the beta release of this. 

    A lot of the node based things that mimics curves behavior in Maya or Max are very helpful for custom insets and design work. I've done some engraving in it for pieces because of ease of use and not wanting to make and bake floaters for that particular asset. I can't say it is by any means as powerful as the substance suite as a whole. As a free alternative though it is definitely worthwhile to take a look at.

    The smooth normals node in there is great if you're a fan of Modos smooth edge shader or similar shaders, it will bake them down to a normal map as well so another nice feature it has. I personally find it a little weak in the realm of curvature, convex, concave maps though and prefer substance for this.
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