@dan-r mesh looks clean but I'm not sure about it's proportions, did you make blockout of entire model before to figure out if all parts will fit together?
I started texturing this evening, here's what I got so far, gotta do something about this boring surface on the back side
Working on the radar dish as I learn more and more about Modo.
Here's what I've got so far.
I plan on adding the panel details, screws, indents, etc as height in SP when I get to that point. I have to make the batteries next, then I'll be UVing and baking.
@"Łukasz", great job on pushing this prop through to completion. I might be a bit lagging behind, but I'll attempt to get this finished before the end of the month.
I really wish that I'd be able to work faster, but I tend to get caught up spending time on all these little parts in an attempt to make them a specific way.
Anyways, this a grab out of Substance Painter with what's been completed so far. There are still a bunch of little parts that still need to be finished before final UV layout / bakeout.
@jewski-bot I think your legs seem to be far too thin to carry the device
Right you are sir! I became so focused on the smaller parts, I forgot to check and see if my proportions still held. I'll have to take a look to see what adjustments can be made.
This is a view zoomed up on the leg. I probably spent way too much time agonizing over the smaller mechanisms.
it's imposable to make the reference fit 100% in unreal engine 4 but its fine in Maya but the scale in unreal seems to be bit different even if I imported the block-out mesh from Maya to unreal
maybe it's not so big deal but it's driving me crazy
@halldor - "it's imposable to make the reference fit 100% in unreal engine 4 but its fine in Maya" My suggestion is to drop a camera or cine camera into the scene in UE4, pilot it (Shift + Ctrl + P) and then change the Field of View a bit so it matches Maya. With the default view in UE4 you're at 90 FOV.
@Łukasz Yeah, I did do a full blockout, have to make more of a habit to double check everything.
This evening I've revised some of the forms. I haven't been adding in many of the detailed parts yet, my plan is to make most of them out of floaters, or as part of the texturing.
@halldor "how can I make the settings stick, always when I press play I need to change it again"
1. Open the level blueprint. Blueprints > Open Level Blueprint
2. Create an "Event Begin Play" node
3. Right-click and search for "Get Player Controller" and add it to the graph
4. Drag off of the "Get Player Controller" return value and search for "Set View Target with Blend" and add the node.
5. Connect the execution pin from "Event Begin Play" to the execution pin of the "Set View Target with Blend"
6. Select the camera from the "World Outliner" (Top right of the editor).
7. Right-click in the Level Blueprint and select "Create a reference to (Name of Camera you have selected)" This is typically the 3rd option below the "Search" when you right click.
8. Connect the camera node to "New View Target"
9. Compile and save
This will make your player controller attach to the view of the camera when you play. Keep in mind you won't be able to move around or anything since it's locked to the camera view. There are ways to attach this to a keypress so you can go in and out of the camera view while you're "Playing in Editor"
Hope this helps!!! - Here is a shot of the final Level BP from the above setup.
Here is an update to my satellite. I've been having really bad luck with software, so I've been working around my issues so I can get this thing done.
1. Modo 12 changed how smoothing works and I've been unable to bake round edge shader correctly. Found some info online (Warren Marshall), but that didn't help in my case. I took my mesh over to Maya and made a high poly to use for baking and finished that part up today.
2. I upgraded Substance Painter to 2018.2.2 and I am able to paint in the 3d viewport, but if I try to use the 2d viewport the brush snaps all over the place and sometimes doesn't even paint. I have no clue what's going on. I made the best of what I had and just roughed in some colors and put in my height map details from the 3d viewport the best that I could.
Update: Looks like #2 in my list is a known issue with SP 2018.2.2. It should be addressed in a hotfix coming soon. I've reported issue #3.
Edit: I forgot one more thing. 3. Adding height details in substance painter, then exporting the normal map, reimporting and trying to bake AO and Curve no longer works either. I had to export the normal and make the maps by using the nodes in substance designer and blending them, then importing them back in. Such a mess!!!!
Here is the baked low poly with height details and base colors roughed in.
I m working on the antenna and I am trying to learn 3D Max. How can I move the vertex in the world direction?? At the moment I thing it shows the normal direction or something else, I am not really sure.
@Giova Hey, I don't have 3ds Max installed anymore, but I found an image online to point you in the right direction. This may look a bit different because I don't know what version of 3ds Max you're using, but it should be in the same place in newer versions as well..
The drop down that says "View" should have other options that will change the direction of your transform widget. Hope this helps!
I'm doing this based on memory of 3ds Max, so if someone else has a better description or if I'm wrong please correct me.
Got the blockout finished and terrain roughed out in unreal. Going to be doing a material study and probably going to define a trim sheet for later on. Please any thing you think that needs adjustment let me know
Apologies if this is a dumb question, but.... how/where/when do we submit entries for the monthly competitions? I can't remember seeing a formal deadline anywhere? Is a submissions thread made around the deadline time? Again - sorry for asking such obvious questions but I've never submitted to a comp before. Regards, b.
@B_P_L i am not sure but i think this challenge last to end of October and far as i know its just a challenge and you just post your end result here but maybe i am wrong, but i am just doing to improve my skills and to show i can make environment from concept to start to finish
@B_P_L I responded to you via message but thought it worthwhile to provide a bit of backstory here:
The Monthly Challenges have been running for several years now and have evolved over time. Many changes have been collectively decided by the community to refine them to be more helpful to community members and encourage participation by the largest number of artists as possible.
A while back it was decided that changing the Challenge every month was too quick a time frame to complete an entire scene/environment, and actually fragmented the group, as people who hadn't finished the previous Challenge were less likely to start on the next.
So the decision was made to increase the time frame. In conjunction, "props" categories were added for those with less time or wanting a smaller scope to tackle.
Working on my mid poly. Got a lot of it laid out. I'm working on the "ruin" aspects now of the rusted metal sticking out of the sand. I hope to grab the pieces and break them out separately this weekend so I can get to texturing. Sitting at 275k polys so far.
Great progress everyone! I've finished the blockout and have started to detail some elements, also been working on some substances for the environment so that I can texture most of the larger elements with tileable textures.
nice texures manuelfuentes13 ,did one texure for the ground i am currently making a more complex one with stones and stuff but this one is my base material,
@manuelfuentes13 That corrugated metal texture looks really good. Though I'm curious on all those dots all over the place. Are those just rock/dirt pieces or some rivets to hold everything in place?
@manuelfuentes13 That corrugated metal texture looks really good. Though I'm curious on all those dots all over the place. Are those just rock/dirt pieces or some rivets to hold everything in place?
They are rivets but I might have forgotten to adjust some node and they don't match perfectly with the sheets , I need to refine it a little bit more. I might just remove them since may not even be visible in the final composition.
ok I have been trying to make a good ground material first a made desert sand then I released the concept was more going for the dead rocky ground so I did this one but I am not that happy with it feel kinda toon y
I am scared of this is going to turn out, think i will just throw the project in the trash comparing to the work put into the scene and there is not that much left it still looks like shit
there are few objects i have to replace but still.....
@halldor don't trash it just take a step back for a couple of days, and don't look at it. When you come back to it make a note of things that look off or you believe need fixing and keep going at it.
@halldor You're doing great. Absolutely do not throw this in the trash. Like @zachagreg said; just leave it for a couple of days and forget about it. When you come back to it you'll feel better.
A little ashamed to say that I haven't yet finished. This week has been murder and I'm not sure if I'll get around to having this done before SIEGE in Atlanta. I think I need a few cables, the second battery, and the other plugs modeled. Lastly, it'll be down to really cranking on the textures but it'll be intense what with traveling etc.
Hey all, I'm still waiting to get a solution to a final issue I am experiencing with Substance Painter, but I was able to revert back to 2017 to work on materials. Unfortunately, I had to restart. Here's what I've got so far. I still need to do some more detail work overall, like the metal on the legs, the control panel, and decals. I'll do the emissive on the lights once I have this in UE4.
Here's my most recent iteration of the materials for this mesh.
Here is the material I intend to use on the lights once I have this in UE4 for the final render.
@jewski-bot - Looking great! I know how you feel on not having it done. I've wasted SO much time troubleshooting SP 2018. I still have to do the batteries and the cables going to them.
Thank you guys zachagreg & B_P_L i kept on but still not happy trying to get right lighting is a pain in the ass I honestly don't know how to make it better
... still not happy trying to get right lighting is a pain in the ass I honestly don't know how to make it better
Couple of things to check/try: 1. If you haven't already, make sure your lighting system is made of the following components:
SkySphere Blueprint
Exponential HeightFog
All those things are needed to make a decent attempt at the lighting for this concept.
2. Make sure your SkySphere blueprint is linked to the DirectionalLight, Skylight and ExponentialHeightFog. 3. Enable Distance Field Ambient Occlusion (DFAO) 4. (Probably most importantly) Enable Global Illumination! This might seem weird but this has to be first enabled by adding a line to your ConsoleVariables file in your engine config. Only then will the options for 'Indirect lighting' become available in your DirectionalLight and Skylight actors. Here's what you've got to do:
Shut down Unreal if it's running already and go to C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.19\Engine\ConfigFind a file in there called 'ConsoleVariables' right-click it and chose 'Edit'. It should open up in Notepad. At the very bottom of this text file you need to add the following line:
r.LightPropagationVolume = 1
Here's a screenshot of my own file, the line you need to add is highlighted in blue at the bottom:
Save the file and restart Unreal, and you should now be able to add Global Illumination to your scene.
@halldor Nice work sofar Try and add more typology to those hanging lines. You have good assets, but its hard to see in the type of lighting, so take some time to work on showing off the assets with brighter/better lighting ex. place some more lights/soft lights within the scene to express the mood. I would try and tile the normal details in the sand a bit for these areas.
Working on the radar dish as I learn more and more about Modo.
Here's what I've got so far.
I plan on adding the panel details, screws, indents, etc as height in SP when I get to that point. I have to make the batteries next, then I'll be UVing and baking.
Edit: name (again, it's right this time)
That was quick! I love the direction it's going!
I'm really enjoying all of these hard surface environments as well. I was afraid I would never finish that thing if I got started!
I really wish that I'd be able to work faster, but I tend to get caught up spending time on all these little parts in an attempt to make them a specific way.
Anyways, this a grab out of Substance Painter with what's been completed so far. There are still a bunch of little parts that still need to be finished before final UV layout / bakeout.
This is a view zoomed up on the leg. I probably spent way too much time agonizing over the smaller mechanisms.
even if I imported the block-out mesh from Maya to unreal
maybe it's not so big deal but it's driving me crazy
My suggestion is to drop a camera or cine camera into the scene in UE4, pilot it (Shift + Ctrl + P) and then change the Field of View a bit so it matches Maya. With the default view in UE4 you're at 90 FOV.
Hope this helps!
but I got some progress to day
1. Open the level blueprint. Blueprints > Open Level Blueprint
2. Create an "Event Begin Play" node
3. Right-click and search for "Get Player Controller" and add it to the graph
4. Drag off of the "Get Player Controller" return value and search for "Set View Target with Blend" and add the node.
5. Connect the execution pin from "Event Begin Play" to the execution pin of the "Set View Target with Blend"
6. Select the camera from the "World Outliner" (Top right of the editor).
7. Right-click in the Level Blueprint and select "Create a reference to (Name of Camera you have selected)"
This is typically the 3rd option below the "Search" when you right click.
8. Connect the camera node to "New View Target"
9. Compile and save
This will make your player controller attach to the view of the camera when you play. Keep in mind you won't be able to move around or anything since it's locked to the camera view. There are ways to attach this to a keypress so you can go in and out of the camera view while you're "Playing in Editor"
Hope this helps!!!
- Here is a shot of the final Level BP from the above setup.
Here is an update to my satellite. I've been having really bad luck with software, so I've been working around my issues so I can get this thing done.
1. Modo 12 changed how smoothing works and I've been unable to bake round edge shader correctly. Found some info online (Warren Marshall), but that didn't help in my case. I took my mesh over to Maya and made a high poly to use for baking and finished that part up today.
2. I upgraded Substance Painter to 2018.2.2 and I am able to paint in the 3d viewport, but if I try to use the 2d viewport the brush snaps all over the place and sometimes doesn't even paint. I have no clue what's going on. I made the best of what I had and just roughed in some colors and put in my height map details from the 3d viewport the best that I could.
Update: Looks like #2 in my list is a known issue with SP 2018.2.2. It should be addressed in a hotfix coming soon. I've reported issue #3.
I forgot one more thing.
3. Adding height details in substance painter, then exporting the normal map, reimporting and trying to bake AO and Curve no longer works either. I had to export the normal and make the maps by using the nodes in substance designer and blending them, then importing them back in. Such a mess!!!!
Here is the baked low poly with height details and base colors roughed in.
Hey, I don't have 3ds Max installed anymore, but I found an image online to point you in the right direction. This may look a bit different because I don't know what version of 3ds Max you're using, but it should be in the same place in newer versions as well..
The drop down that says "View" should have other options that will change the direction of your transform widget. Hope this helps!
I'm doing this based on memory of 3ds Max, so if someone else has a better description or if I'm wrong please correct me.
Can you post a wireframe and the HP (if you've created a subD mesh) please
The Monthly Challenges have been running for several years now and have evolved over time. Many changes have been collectively decided by the community to refine them to be more helpful to community members and encourage participation by the largest number of artists as possible.
A while back it was decided that changing the Challenge every month was too quick a time frame to complete an entire scene/environment, and actually fragmented the group, as people who hadn't finished the previous Challenge were less likely to start on the next.
So the decision was made to increase the time frame. In conjunction, "props" categories were added for those with less time or wanting a smaller scope to tackle.
Hope this helps
what do you guys think should I go with that one
comparing to the work put into the scene and there is not that much left it still looks like shit
there are few objects i have to replace but still.....
Here's my most recent iteration of the materials for this mesh.
Here is the material I intend to use on the lights once I have this in UE4 for the final render.
@jewski-bot - Looking great! I know how you feel on not having it done. I've wasted SO much time troubleshooting SP 2018. I still have to do the batteries and the cables going to them.
1. If you haven't already, make sure your lighting system is made of the following components:
- DirectionalLight
- SkyLight
- SkySphere Blueprint
- Exponential HeightFog
- SphereReflectionCapture
All those things are needed to make a decent attempt at the lighting for this concept.2. Make sure your SkySphere blueprint is linked to the DirectionalLight, Skylight and ExponentialHeightFog.
3. Enable Distance Field Ambient Occlusion (DFAO)
4. (Probably most importantly) Enable Global Illumination! This might seem weird but this has to be first enabled by adding a line to your ConsoleVariables file in your engine config. Only then will the options for 'Indirect lighting' become available in your DirectionalLight and Skylight actors. Here's what you've got to do:
Shut down Unreal if it's running already and go to C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.19\Engine\ConfigFind a file in there called 'ConsoleVariables' right-click it and chose 'Edit'. It should open up in Notepad. At the very bottom of this text file you need to add the following line:
r.LightPropagationVolume = 1
Here's a screenshot of my own file, the line you need to add is highlighted in blue at the bottom:
Good luck.
That's an absolute beauty.
what do you guys think
Try and add more typology to those hanging lines. You have good assets, but its hard to see in the type of lighting, so take some time to work on showing off the assets with brighter/better lighting ex. place some more lights/soft lights within the scene to express the mood. I would try and tile the normal details in the sand a bit for these areas.
and nothing seems to work like it should work
Roumonk , looking good