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3Ds Max - odd ring selection behavior

polycounter lvl 7
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gestoryscht polycounter lvl 7
Hello guys,
I have a problem with the ring selection mode and I can't find a solution and I hope it's just my fault.

Actually I am switching to Max and as a beginner task, I want to create a foliage. Plane is created, added several cuts here and there and now I want to add some edge loops. For this I use the connect tool - when it's possible.

I have problems using the ring selection tool. On one mesh it works and on the other one not - but why?
Please take a look:

What am I doing wrong?


  • audi100
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    audi100 polycounter lvl 11
    hey, default hotkey for edgeloop/edgering is alt+l/alt+r. think thats a bit faster then the method you seem to be using now.
    Failing to get a edgering might be open edges and flipped faces.
    So check if all vertices are welded and check if faces are flipped.
    To check flipped faces quickly you can turn on backface cull. Rightcick on object> object properties> backface cull option under display properties.
  • gestoryscht
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    gestoryscht polycounter lvl 7
    Ahhh okay, alt+l/alt+r is working. Shortcut is noted - thanks!

    And to the mesh itself - there is no face flipped and every vertex is conected. I think 'my' method would be pretty fast, when it works. Just select the edge and shift+click into the direction you want to select - but this doesn't work most of the time.

    Please correct me, but I have the feeling thats the same issue I had before with maya, too.

    Anyway, thanks for your help!
    One last question, talking about making multiple loop cuts at the same time - is there a shorter way to do this then using the connect tool? It feels a bit clunky. I read somewhere there is an option using the swift tool, but it didn't work for me.
  • audi100
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    audi100 polycounter lvl 11
    hmm ok if the hotkey method is working and the shift selection not, than thats probably what you encountered in maya. No Idea how to solve that though.

    For quickly intersecting the mesh you could play around with the slice plane, good thing about that is that you don't need to select things beforehand and can cut through everything  in one go, but that would give you just one staight edgeloop at a time. Never used the swift tool so no idea how that would work ;).
  • gestoryscht
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    gestoryscht polycounter lvl 7
    Things like this are really a downer for moving to Max, but I have to ... sooo. Thanks for your help :disappointed:
    Have a great day!
  • shawnolson
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    shawnolson polycounter lvl 14
    My gut tells me that the problem is in using the cut tool. If I am correct, below will help you. If not using snaps (like snap to vertex) you can sometimes inadvertently create an extra vertex/edge very close to another vertex. This will cause the topology to not be composed of quads (even though it may look like its quads). You can try these types of paths to verify the mesh:

    1) Switch to Polygon Sub-Object Mode (4 on keyboard when Editable Poly is selected), Open the Graphite Toolbar and in the Selection tab choose the function to select all 4-sided polygons. Take note of those that are not selected--those are likely having multiple verts where you think there is just one.

    2) Click CONTROL+I to invert the selection.

    3) Right-click the object and click Convert to Vertex. Now you have all the vertices selected to non-quad polygons.

    I wrote these three steps to help explain a way to see/understand how to get at the problem.

    You can also just add a Vertex Weld Modifier or use the Weld Functions in the vertex sub-object mode of the editable poly.

    Tip: Instead of Cut, you might want to use Swift Loop instead--at least for the kind of mesh/model you are making in OP. That will not likely create multiple verts near each other.
  • shawnolson
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    shawnolson polycounter lvl 14
    Actually, when viewing you Gif again, I see it is a relic of Cut but maybe not my initial guess. Instead of two coincident vertices, you may also have a vertex just off of the main edge of your strip--creating a five-sided polygon. This is still a result of using Cut and not being careful with the placement. I suggest you turn on snap to edge and snap to vertex when using Cut.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    The connect tools on the ribbon toolbar can be set to auto ring - meaning you can run the connect from a single edge selection. 

    Multiple loops can be added with the connect options as in maya and I think  swift loop gives you maya's insert loop functionality. 
    The connect options are very powerful and can be used to make very precisely positioned loops - which you can't do in maya. 

    Personally for most applications I find it easiest to add a single loop and then move it where I want using Edge constraints.  If you muck around with that you'll find it to be superior to Maya's Edge sliding and you won't miss insert loop at all. 
  • Mark Dygert
    I think this is as designed? The center of your cursor needs to be over the edge for shift-select-ring to work. If you click next to the line, it won't work. You should see all of the rings light up (yellow) if you hold shift and move your mouse back and forth over the line before clicking. You get the "precision mouse cursor when you're close, but just because the mouse changed, it doesn't mean the center of the cursor is hitting RIGHT on the line.

    I believe you might be able to adjust some of the pixel precision settings in the preferences to give it a larger area to grab onto, but I normally just wait until it lights up and then click.
  • Mark Dygert
    Oh also, "swift loop" is the closest thing to Maya's "Insert edge loop" check it out:

    It's in the ribbon modeling tools, which are a bit of a nightmare to get to, if you don't leave it out. Unfortunately if you do leave it out, it lags a bit when you switch tools or modes. Also its a organizational cluster-muck that pretty much duplicates the buttons found in Edit Poly. Because of that, most people keybind the handful of useful tools so they don't have to use the ribbon.

    Main Menu > Customize > Customize User Interface > Keyboard tab : Swift Loop (I have it bound to ctrl-R)

  • Pac_187
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    Pac_187 polycounter lvl 11
    As someone moving from Maya to Max you will have a hard time with the selection behavior at the beginning.
    Maya has an adjustable distance check, as well as other "smart" algorithms to aid in the selection process, thus it's pretty fast and easy to select stuff.

    The distance check in Max is hardcoded, there's no other way than learning to be super-prices with the mouse, it's time consuming and frustrating.

    In regards to loop/ring selection: With the introduction of point-to-point selection, the selection behavior got even more broken.
    In the following gif you can see that you have to be 100% on the edge in order to make a valid ring selection, other wise it will trigger the point-to-point selection mode. 

    As you can see, the cursor already changes when you are able to start the point-to-point selection. I can feel your pain :)

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