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Feedback for the animation of my reel

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Rekun null
Hi guys, i graduated a couple of months ago and i was been building some animations for my reel, after doing a bunch of them i decided to use those animations, some still work, like the 3 of the girl. But wanetd to get some feedback, not only about the animation itself but also about the combination, do you think it's a good set of animations?  https://syncsketch.com/sketch/4486e77cae4b/


  • AGoodFella
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    AGoodFella polycounter lvl 5
    I assume you're going for games since there is a lot of cycles and runs and such. I might consider a parkour type shot to show off your body mechanics.

    The stuff you have now is a nice selection if you can get them finished and looking good.

  • Rekun
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    Rekun null
    yep, im going for games, i will polish this pieces and add a parkour one thanks for the advise 
  • WeatherMan
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    WeatherMan polycounter lvl 6
    Checking your arcs and spacing will go a long way in your polish stage. Good luck.
  • kurarara
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    kurarara null
    Hi, since you have alot of attacks and jump animations I would recommend you to watch Jason Shum's combat & jump tutorial. He talk alot about some really good fundamentals that could speed up your polish I think. Even if iit isn't your style, he breaks his process and you can just get inspired by it. If you like it, you can also buy his entire lesson from gumroad but I find the video really good by itself.

    It would help if I could comment in syncsketch also, I don't seem to be able to :(
  • Rekun
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    Rekun null
    kurarara said:
    Hi, since you have alot of attacks and jump animations I would recommend you to watch Jason Shum's combat & jump tutorial. He talk alot about some really good fundamentals that could speed up your polish I think. Even if iit isn't your style, he breaks his process and you can just get inspired by it. If you like it, you can also buy his entire lesson from gumroad but I find the video really good by itself.

    It would help if I could comment in syncsketch also, I don't seem to be able to :(
    sorry for the late reply, didn't see the message, it's weird that u can't write, you shoule be able to make comments and draw over it, and i will watch that video, thank you

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