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Why We Sleep - read this if you are sleeping less than eight hours a night

I've slept less than eight hours a night regularly for most of my life.  This behaviour was based on my work schedule in high school and working in the games industry.  I suspect many of you also sleep less than eight hours a night thanks to crunch time and working late on projects.

I listened to Joe Rogan interview Proffesor Matthew Walker who is a researcher specializing in sleep.  The effect on your body and mind of sleeping six or fewer hours a night is devastating.  It's slow suicide.

If you are sleeping less than eight hours a night regularly, watch the linked video.  His book "Why We Sleep" goes into more detail.


  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    No kidding. I've been preaching it for years, though I'm no professor, or famous, or rich, so nobody listens. Nine hours or bust. If you can't sit in a room and stare at a wall for an hour without feeling like it's trouble to stay awake, you didn't get enough sleep. If you sacrifice sleep for more work, the work is going to suffer. 
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    Too much sleep causes lethargy though. Also why do so many succesful CEO and entrepreneurs preach they only sleep for 4-6 hours?

    I know waking up early makes you perform better but over 8 hours of sleep?
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    Blond said:
    Too much sleep causes lethargy though. Also why do so many succesful CEO and entrepreneurs preach they only sleep for 4-6 hours?

    I know waking up early makes you perform better but over 8 hours of sleep?
    The CEO's are probably successful in business but sleeping less isn't doing wonders for their health.
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Most people exaggerate and lie. A family member of mine is a vice president of a major software company, and he sleeps more than anybody I know. He also has trouble getting along with some of his peers, although he's probably the kindest person I've ever known as well. Lot's of narcissist, psychopaths at that level. He is a true rags to riches story, though it isn't your stereotypical tale of "keep your nose down and work hard and you'll make it." He worked hard for years, but he's still a human and has to sleep. He's extremely smart and likable, and over time things just fell in the right order.

    I worked with a hunting guide outfit a few years back. Lots of the clients are well-to-do types. Not necessarily CEO's but lots of big oil-money types. They're just like anybody else. Full of insecurities, and constantly trying to affirm that they are in some way superior to others, which is why they must be so rich. Never once do you hear somebody honestly say, "I was just born lucky. I've never worked a day in my life and yet I'm richer than Midas."
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    Blond said:
    Too much sleep causes lethargy though. Also why do so many succesful CEO and entrepreneurs preach they only sleep for 4-6 hours?

  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    If you can't sit in a room and stare at a wall for an hour without feeling like it's trouble to stay awake, you didn't get enough sleep.
    I think if you're sitting and staring at walls for hours at a time, your sleeping habits are the least of your worries.
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Hahahaha. Alright, that was a weird example. 

    Try this : If you can't sit through a boring meeting at work and pretend to be interested, you didn't get enough sleep.
  • RyanB
    Blond said:
    Too much sleep causes lethargy though. Also why do so many succesful CEO and entrepreneurs preach they only sleep for 4-6 hours?

    I know waking up early makes you perform better but over 8 hours of sleep?
    Too much sleep does not cause lethargy but it is a sign of other medical problems such as depression.

    Lots of people live on less than six hours of sleep every night.  They are living with the consequences of not sleeping and probably don't see the connection of their health and mental problems to their lack of sleep.  They are also far more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease and other diseases. 

    Waking up early does not make you perform better.  Waking up early for some people actually makes them perform worse.  Getting a sufficient quantity and quality of sleep and performing tasks when your circadian rhythm is at it's peak makes you perform better. 
  • pangaea
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    pangaea polycounter lvl 5
    Feng Zhu student say they only sleep 5 hours a night. I've seen some Japanese artist work schedule where the artist just sleeps 4 hours a night, with 5 hours on Sunday.

    If you only slept 5 hours a day, and worked 16 hours a day, then you would be so much further than someone who slept 9 hours a day and worked 10 hours. Sort of explains why FZD students become so good as they are pushing themselves. 

  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    And this kind of culture might have something to do with why Japan has so many suicides... Humans aren't robots.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    FZD students are not "so good" because they skip sleep - they are good because they are taught solid foundation skills, with a focus on lineart instead of resorting to flashy photobashing.
  • CrackRockSteady
    It seems like a lot of people assume that "X person/people do a certain thing, it must be why they are successful!".  By that logic we could surmise that all sorts of unhealthy habits are causes of success.  We should consider that perhaps these people are successful in spite of unhealthy habits, not because of them.
  • RyanB
    It seems like a lot of people assume that "X person/people do a certain thing, it must be why they are successful!".  By that logic we could surmise that all sorts of unhealthy habits are causes of success.  We should consider that perhaps these people are successful in spite of unhealthy habits, not because of them.
    Absolutely.  His research proves that you learn FASTER with eight hours sleep in spite of doing less work.  A person who sleeps less than six hours a night often has to repeat the same learning task many times before they can repeat it successfully.  This is a big part of the book.
  • sacboi
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    sacboi high dynamic range

    Interesting, didn't sit through the entire vid so maybe overlapping somewhat. Now I also think aspects worth mentioning other than physiological factors resulting from sleep deprivation are those associated with environment or basically a 21st century lifestyle which is entirely due to the profound consequence of 24/7 electric light.

    Thomas Edison thought for reasons known only too himself that sleep was bad for you:

    “The person who sleeps eight or 10 hours a night is never fully asleep and never fully awake. He has only different degrees of doze through the 24 hours, extra sleep made a person unhealthy and inefficient.”

    How the lightbulb disrupted our sleeping patterns and changed the world

    The article also states that poor sleep is a symptom of an unwound body clock or Circadian Rhythm, thought too control 15% of our genes and if malfunctioning due to overexposure to artificial light at night "effects a rogues gallery of health disorders with studies linking depression, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity and even cancer" 

  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    There will be successful people that sleep a lot and that don't but overall the ones that do sleep a lot and are still successful is the ones that are truly successful, because it will really damage your body in the long run.

    Even if you take away all the health risks you don't really gain much from sleeping less in order to work more. I did this for a long time, averaged 4 hours a night with the occasional normal sleep during the weekend, and sometimes I just skipped sleeping a day. I did it mostly because I thought I was getting things done but overall I just got shitty results or less done then someone that would work normal hours, so yeah don't do it.

    I think what is most natural and good for you is to do what I do now, no alarms, I go to bed and I wake up when I wake up, not possible for everyone, but it feels right.

    We all work a bit differently but the body probably takes the same damage.
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    Waking up without alarm is life goal to be honest.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Get a pet who eats in the morning. No alarm needed!
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    I generally sleep about 4-5 hours a night, only doze off by listening to PBS space time :)
    My tablet just broke though so i will have to wait for my new one to arrive

  • Pain
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    Pain polycounter lvl 9
    I think it's slightly different with everyone. None of us is the same, so just listen to your body and health. Take a rest when you feel like you need it, don't force yourself overload. 
    But I do  think sleeping habit can be changed also, but your body needs time to adapt with it, it's not something you can do in a week or two.
  • RyanB
    Pain said:
    I think it's slightly different with everyone. None of us is the same, so just listen to your body and health. Take a rest when you feel like you need it, don't force yourself overload. 
    But I do  think sleeping habit can be changed also, but your body needs time to adapt with it, it's not something you can do in a week or two.
    Part of the research is that you are doing damage to your body that you cannot detect.  How do you detect damage that will lead to early onset of Alzheimer's?  The same is also true of the benefits of 8 hours sleep every night.
  • X-One
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    X-One polycounter lvl 18
    The only way I'm getting 8h of sleep a night is if I chemically induce it. I need 6h, but once I hit 7.5 I literally cannot get back to sleep naturally. That said, during the summer months, I'm great on 6h, but in the winter I prefer 7h.

    Personally, I rather not chemically induce sleep just to reach a specific number. I know when I feel rested and when I don't. If I feel tired, I go to sleep earlier or get up later.  
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    I have done a lot of research in this field and I can tell you that there are a lot of different and contradicting opinions -> everyone is trying to push their point of view so I wont blindly believe this guy above do research find of what is motives are who is funding his research most importantly !
    To what I have read brain as an organ sleep only 1 hour the rest of the time is just standing by
    There are other researcher saying that our body is made to sleep 2 times a day one major sleep and 1 or few naps -> if anybody is from Spain they should know that
    I have even seen research stating that 8 hours a day sleep is harmful
    + On top of that if you research most of genies and billionaires and famous people in history they had slept 2-4 hours a day
    You will do much better to change your diet with something that actually give energy do regular exercises clean your body of toxins and parasites that drain you alive ,doing that you will have more then enough energy to not need to sleep million hours a day
    From personal experience:The more you sleep the more you want to sleep so its like addiction ,I use to sleep 10 or more hours a day now I do just fine will 5-6 or less
    I suggest do you own research do some experiments on yourself don't believe some pseudo scientists pushing their agenda

  • CrackRockSteady
    I have done a lot of research in this field and I can tell you that there are a lot of different and contradicting opinions -> everyone is trying to push their point of view so I wont blindly believe this guy above do research find of what is motives are who is funding his research most importantly !
    To what I have read brain as an organ sleep only 1 hour the rest of the time is just standing by
    There are other researcher saying that our body is made to sleep 2 times a day one major sleep and 1 or few naps -> if anybody is from Spain they should know that
    I have even seen research stating that 8 hours a day sleep is harmful
    + On top of that if you research most of genies (???) and billionaires and famous people in history they had slept 2-4 hours a day
    You will do much better to change your diet with something that actually give energy do regular exercises clean your body of toxins and parasites that drain you alive ,doing that you will have more then enough energy to not need to sleep million hours a day
    From personal experience:The more you sleep the more you want to sleep so its like addiction ,I use to sleep 10 or more hours a day now I do just fine will 5-6 or less
    I suggest do you own research do some experiments on yourself don't believe some pseudo 

    This claim is baseless not to mention so vague as to be completely meaningless.  "Most" (?)  "famous people in history" (?) sleep 2-4 hours a day?  Are you just making stuff up?
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    sleep is for wimps ( same with lunch and detoxing+being healthy and shit)
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    Ok I misspelled the word my bad "genius" maybe they are not genius but as is one of billionaire biography is stated he have half a day ahead of everyone else .We all have 24 hours a day but some use it more wisely
    Start reading biographies you will see this thing popping again and again
    I am not trying to promote anything here , its your life do what ever you want with it
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    Ruz said:
    sleep is for wimps ( same with lunch and detoxing+being healthy and shit)
    You have probably heard that every cell in the body is renewed every 7 years, where do you think your body get building materials to make his new cells ,if you eat junk today you be junk tomorrow
  • CrackRockSteady
    Ok I misspelled the word my bad "genius" maybe they are not genius but as is one of billionaire biography is stated he have half a day ahead of everyone else .We all have 24 hours a day but some use it more wisely
    Start reading biographies you will see this thing popping again and again
    I am not trying to promote anything here , its your life do what ever you want with it
     I'm just pointing out that you are making a lot of baseless and extremely vague arguments, backing them up with basically nothing.  "I have read..."   "There is research saying..."  "I have even seen research..."  "Start reading biographies and you will see..."

    I'm sure you could cherry pick anecdotal "evidence" from "geniuses" and "famous people" (how are you even defining these?) throughout history, just as I could cherry pick evidence to support just about any wild claim I decided to make up.  

    Also what makes "famous people" worth emulating?  I can think of a whole lot of famous people whose advice I would very strongly recommend that no one follow.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    carvuliero - I get my energy from pies, it's a bit like being powered by dark matter
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    I guess you are right @CrackRockSteady I sure be prepared for next time with specific books , page number and author so you can double check
    Its not something I have research yesterday so above is recall from memory
    If its important I can look for the specific books and research and make you a list
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    Also success and health doesn't always go hand in hand. I think no one can say that they feel better sleeping 3 hours a day compared to 7.

    Also geniuses and successful people that say they sleep 3-4 hours a day usually don't recommend it and usually advice against it, they just have so much stuff they want to do and so little time that it can't be helped.
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    Its just interested to me why scientist recommend 8 hours sleep a day for regular people and yet some successful people do something completely opposite .Who would you believe ?
  • CrackRockSteady
    I guess you are right @CrackRockSteady I sure be prepared for next time with specific books , page number and author so you can double check

    There's really no need to be so glib and dismissive when all I did was point out that you are making a bunch of wild claims and backing them up with literally nothing more than the assertion that you heard it somewhere one time.

    Watch I can do that too.  There's research that says if you sleep exactly 9.2 hours every day you'll live to be 120 years old.  If you do some reading you'll find a lot of well known people say if you sleep with a rabbit's foot under your pillow you'll have 10 years of good luck.  I even saw a study once that said you don't  need any sleep at all.  Sleep is a myth!

    Sorry I didn't provide any evidence, next time i'll be sure to be ready with specific books, page number and author so you can double check :)
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    That was exact my point in my first post @CrackRockSteady there are a lot of different contradicting opinions and research on the subject so obviously someone is lying here or there is no definitive answer and I wont believe some saying you have to sleep 8 hours a day
    Will sleeping less make your successful I doubted but sure will give you more time to try :)
  • Andreicus
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    Andreicus polycounter lvl 6
    Why you should sleep properly for dummies ( no copyright infringement intended ):

  • RyanB
    Its just interested to me why scientist recommend 8 hours sleep a day for regular people and yet some successful people do something completely opposite .Who would you believe ?
    What can I type without getting banned...restraining...myself...so...hard...must...not...type...profanity.........
  • CrackRockSteady
    That was exact my point in my first post @CrackRockSteady there are a lot of different contradicting opinions and research on the subject so obviously someone is lying here or there is no definitive answer and I wont believe some saying you have to sleep 8 hours a day
    Will sleeping less make your successful I doubted but sure will give you more time to try :)

    Your point was that there are a lot of contradicting opinions and research and you supported that argument by...making a bunch of unfounded claims about the supposed research and some biographies (?) you've read.  Got it.

    I guess my point is that there is a pretty large, well researched and documented body of evidence to support the idea that not getting at least 6-8 hours of sleep each night is detrimental to mental and physical health.  It takes almost no time at all to do some research on google and find reputable studies to support this argument (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5449130/)  (http://healthysleep.med.harvard.edu/healthy/matters/consequences/sleep-performance-and-public-safety) 

    On the other hand, there are your claims that this is untrue because of some stuff you read and a billionaire said in their book.

    I'm not even saying you're incorrect.  I'm saying if you're going to make the argument that there's lots of contradictory evidence that says you only need a few hours of sleep every night I think that you should back those claims up with something other than "I read" or "there's research that says", otherwise you're only contributing to confusion on the subject.

    But I guess it's easier just to make a flippant comment about citing references *shrug*
  • CrackRockSteady
    Its just interested to me why scientist recommend 8 hours sleep a day for regular people and yet some successful people do something completely opposite .Who would you believe ?
    Scientists and doctors overwhelmingly recommend that you not smoke 2 packs a day and drink a bottle of whiskey for breakfast every day.  Lemmy Kilmister was an extremely successful musician, who chain smoked and drank heavily, The scientists and doctors must have some sinister agenda, I guess we should all start smoking Marbloro Reds and breaking out the daily doses of Jack Daniels.

  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    Staying ignorant is a personal choice I don't have to prove anything I am just tell you that there is much more and if there is someone who actually care about this subject will go and do the research
    How do you get  correct opinion on something if you look at only one point of view , its the same like the story of 2 blind people and a elephant

  • CrackRockSteady
    Staying ignorant is a personal choice I don't have to prove anything I am just tell you that there is much more and if there is someone who actually care about this subject will go and do the research
    How do you get  correct opinion on something if you look at only one point of view , its the same like the story of 2 blind people and a elephant

    dude in my last post I literally invited you to share the information that you claim to have so that we can all be more educated on the subject and so that you can stop muddying the waters with nonsense claims.

    But instead you just come back with another flippant comment about others remaining ignorant.  You're clearly not interested in sharing any relevant information, just acting superior and accusing others of willful ignorance.  

    You come here and make a bunch of baseless claims on the subject being discussed, the onus is on you to back up your claims with something other than the hot air you're spewing, it is not on us to just "do the research" to confirm or deny whatever nonsense you claim.

    "I don't have to prove anything" -- the eternal mantra of the BS artist
  • carvuliero
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    Do you have done any research or any test or try anything at all or just arguing just for the sake of arguing .Do you have any data that prove any of your claims ? Have done anything on the subject ?
    Watching one hour video is not research lol !
  • CrackRockSteady
    Do you have done any research or any test or try anything at all or just arguing just for the sake of arguing
    Watching one hour video is not research lol !
    I provided links to research done by the National Institute of Health and Harvard University from within the last decade and you provided cigarette advertisements from 1952.

    Yeah, you're clearly arguing in good faith and not just being a condescending troll *epic eye roll*

    Well, I'm done.  Frankly I should have stopped an hour ago when it was clear you werent interested in contributing anything relevant to the discussion.

  • carvuliero
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  • theonewhoknocks
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    theonewhoknocks polycounter lvl 6
    Having listened to this episode a couple of times and doing some research myself, at the end of the day, all of our bodies are different and there is so many variables that go into this. We just need to listen to our bodies and experiment with sleep patterns till we know what is working for our own bodies.

    You could be tired after sleeping 7-8 hours, but that could be due to your diet, snoozing, or even eating too late in the day before bed. You could sleep 5-6 hours, feel energized as hell but feel tired in the afternoon, but this could be due to what you're eating for breakfast or dinner from the night before. Again, to many variables to say "this is the exact number you need".

    Best thing you can do is experiment and listen to your body. Alzheimer and any other disease can be caused by so many things as well. I might already have some disease waiting to pop off after living in LA all my life and breathing in that air. I just try to eat as healthy as I can most of the time, don't slave myself at the computer, exercise and make sure that I'm happy.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    "Its just interested to me why scientist recommend 8 hours sleep a day for regular people and yet some successful people do something completely opposite."

    The logic is strong with this one :lol:
  • EarthQuake
    It seems like a lot of people assume that "X person/people do a certain thing, it must be why they are successful!".  By that logic we could surmise that all sorts of unhealthy habits are causes of success.  We should consider that perhaps these people are successful in spite of unhealthy habits, not because of them.
    This. It always amazes me how people fail to understand that correlation does not imply causation.

    Elon Musk (or whoever) sleeps 4 hours a night. He's rich and stuff. Thus, sleeping 4 hours a night will make me rich.

    Also, I like bananas. Monkeys eat bananas. Hence, I am a monkey.

    In conclusion, if I only sleep 4 hours a night I will be the richest monkey ever. My logic is flawless.
  • pangaea
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    pangaea polycounter lvl 5
    Its hard to know if it actually true or not. For example, Da Vinci never wrote his sleep schedule down and he wrote a lot of things down. So he probably slept normally. Yet people call Polyphasic sleep pattern the Da Vinci sleep pattern.

    I remember reading a article a few years ago with CEO reported sleep time, the average was 7 hours. Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos did about 7 hours. Elon Musk 6 hours. 

    Einstein also said he slept 10 hours a night, which would be more than average. 

    Has there been any evidence that lack of sleep inhibits drawing skills. I'm guessing reaction time is decreased. 

    But, if you think about art and a lot of the skills you do in art. It might not be hit so hard by sleep deprivation. Even the tiredness problem it not like your doing something really physical when you are doing art.
  • RyanB

    pangaea said:

    Has there been any evidence that lack of sleep inhibits drawing skills. I'm guessing reaction time is decreased. 

    But, if you think about art and a lot of the skills you do in art. It might not be hit so hard by sleep deprivation. Even the tiredness problem it not like your doing something really physical when you are doing art.
    The book addresses this directly.  Stage 2 non REM sleep, especially the last two hours a night, is critical.  Things you can't learn completely accurately during the day will be processed by your brain during sleep.  He gives an example of learning piano that showed a 20 percent increase in performance speed and 35 percent increase in accuracy among subjects that slept a full eight hours.

  • Eric Chadwick
    No you're a marmoset. There's a difference.
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    RyanB said:
    Are there comparative studies for example with 7 or 9 hours instead of 8?
    How was 8 specifically picked for any other possibilities
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