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Best Solution for Texture Tiling Too Much?

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kginsey null
Hey guys, just have a quick question for ya. I have a wall in my UE4 scene that I made a substance texture for. The walls are modular so when I place them next to each other the pattern of the tiling texture is easily visible. To fix this, is it best to make a 2nd version of the texture with different parameters and then vertex paint certain areas for variation?

Any advice on what you would do in this situation to break up the pattern would be greatly appreciated. 

Thanks for your help!


  • Larry
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    Larry interpolator
    Honestly, you should have made a bigger texture that should at least be the height of your wall. Making a texture that you want to tile 3 times in your basic / biggest object is not a great idea.If you make a texture that fits the height of your wall, you can easily apply it to smaller objects as well. It would propably be quicker to just redo a bigger texture instead of trying vertex paint and decals here
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