Hi guys I've been working on a Paladin character that the awesome Cole Eastburn (
https://www.artstation.com/colehole ) made! I started a few weeks back and now I'll basically be sharing mt progress from the start up until now. It's still a work in progress and I will try my best to post updated versions as soon as possible! Critiques and feedback will be greatly appreciated!
Looking really nice so far, I really like the feeling of it.
Some proportional stuff to take note of, the diamond on his pecs seems to be a bit too tiny and higher up and the fur around his neck needs to be a bit puffier! The fur really adds a lot of personality to him, I think. But I'm sure you know all that already.
Going great, will follow this!
Any tips? Hm. My workflow was pretty simple, I used polypaint to draw the big shapes on the plate, masked them out, pushed and pulled and just refined from there.
I think it's very important to make big, simple, gestural and bold statements with your shapes, balancing too little and too much detail, you want to be somewhere in the middle to be in spirit with the Blizzard style. BUT definitely spend a lot of time on the Macro shapes. Very very important.
Here's how I would approach this armor plate thing at first glance,
Something that jumped out to me on the lion from the front view is the shapes look awkward. You might want to stretch him out a bit horizontally.
The current shapes look rather derpy and awkward. weak even. I sketched out a comparison with a real lion head. I think your hair also attaches too deep which accentuates it.
Might be something you want to look at. The sculpt looks awesome from other views though!
how close do you want to match the concept by the way? because I see some things here and their that could be tweaked to match more, but then again, that might not be your exact goal :P
On your speed sculpts, one thing that stands out to me is how the lower jaw and neck connect, seems like theres too much neck and not enough jaw
tried to improvise and see what I could come up for the book, for now is gonna have to stay as it is due to me running behind on my deadline.
Uvs are set and mostly all bake errors have been fixed, finally time for some texturing! Both terrified and excited about the texturing process, hopefully it doesn't make the character look like poop
looking forward to see the textures
Your recent baked version is looking clean, and that silhouette is staying strong. Best of luck jumping in on the textures and looking forward to seeing his updates
I think his shoulders could be a bit wider and the head a bit larger maybe, but its minor nitpicks and nothing hard to change on the low poly directly if you wanna go for it.
other then that I think it looks pretty good as a base, id try dulling down the gold a bit, its really taking focus from the face at the moment, other then that its looking good!