thanks for reply so quickly j i dont have that mesh anymore, but it was just two planes stitched to each other no that video doesnt help because it places uvs outside of 01, but it should be inside of 01 because it crashes maya otherwise right?
Maybe the stitching wasn't yet fully resolved when you exported the mesh and the gap was kept. It's the only explanation I have. Simple cases like that shouldn't really have any reason not to work properly (in my experience at least).
The video shows how to manage the uv space in MD. Basicly all you have to do is to make sure that the light blue square surrounds all of your patterns. That square rappresents the 0:1 space. So, in the video, something goes outside the 0:1 space because the light blue square was set not surrounding that pattern when the project was exported.
in MD8 the uv editor is actually helpful, not perfect but good enough thanks for that again. Another thing you maybe should know...i am not sure if this is expected behaviour:
Plane + smaller plane + internal line from "smaller plane sewed to it
after trigger that script the smaller plane will not line up with the grid of the bigger one side-view ("upper right green quad" is the same as the "upper right quad" of the top image) (the mesh combination is somewhat like a chest bag of a shirt)
Yep, that's expected. The tool doesn't look for internal vertices. I'm not even sure if I'll ever be able to change that in the future. Sure it would be very helpful if internal shapes could be taken into account... I'll think about that.
@pasha_sevez You're right! Although I should at the very least make sure that the tool doesn't freak out with zero degrees angles. I bet right now it does...
When running the tool, and deleting the history afterwards, everything is fine. But when running that tool, making a copy of that mesh (shift+d), and delete the history on that copied mesh, i cant add a material on that copied mesh.
@goekbenjamin Great, thanks for letting me know! I'll investigate on that. Soon I'll release the updated version with all the UV related problems fixed. I can't do it right now because I have a lot to deal with those days. But it's going to be out as soon as I sort everything out. Cheers!
Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know that version 0.20 is available: The annoying random crashes are still all there. But the UV related ones have been all cleared. Plus, you'll now be able to work with welded or unwelded geometries alike. The program doesn't really care about that anymore.
@pOgOstyle Hi Maya 2019 users, looks I was dumb and compiled the 2019 version in 32bit mode. That's why it did not load. Sorry about that. It should be fixed now. Let me know if is there any other problem or if anyone can't load the plugin. Cheers!
Hello people, for those of you who would like to have jQuadCloth for Maya 2020, I just compiled it and updated the files in Gumroad. You can just download it from the usual link: The code was not changed at all though. So it's still version 0.20 and it's unstable as usual. Have fun!
Wow! I didn't think people were still interested in this tool. That's humbling. Let me get back to this next month. I'm currently a little stressed over other things. But I will have a thought about this in the meantime and figure out what do I want to do with it.
Hey guys, this thread is about a tool I've been developing lately. The tool is called jQuadrangulateCloth and it's ment to easely generate a full-quad version of a cloth model out of Marvelous Designer to be sculpted inside ZBrush.
A few months back, I started working on a personal project for my portfolio. That is a character art project and, just like many other projects alike, it involves the use of Marvelous Designer and ZBrush. I realize many of you already know a good enough way of taking a 3D model out of MD into ZBrush for sculpting. That involves exporting the flat version of the model, ZRemeshing it inside of ZBrush, then taking the result into Maya and using the "transfer attributes" feature to resume UVs and then again to get the model shape back. The result of such process will be a full-quad model that is going to be good enough for sculpting inside of ZBrush. You'd be able to change things around and add more details on a mostly clean topology. While trying out such workflow, though, I realized it was far from ideal. First of, there would be no way of merging the seamings together, making the sculpting phase less practical. Also, the topology wouldn't always be as clean as it could and the topological symmetry would very likely not be respected. Not to mention the process itself is not very convenient. I just felt like a much better solution could be achieved. It would just require some coding skills and a bit of will power. So I set down and started coding. I decided to show my tool progress as well as my character art progress together in the same thread since I feel they are somewhat related: I do coding so that I can overcome some issues with the workflow I'm using. And I think that could be interesting to see for those who like the character I'm working on.
Now, just a quick recap: april 15th 2018 - I showed the gif below for the first time on my character project thread. At that time, this tool was nothing but a proof of concept. It didn't really like to run on generic cases.
april 28th 2018 - I focused on writing the feature that would ensure the vertices are mergeable across all seams. Although at this point I was not taking into account the case in which more than two panels are being stitched together (non manifold seamings). That's still something I have to take care of.
may 13th 2018 - I got rid of most of my old dumb quadrangulation algorithms to make room for newer, smarter, more generic ones. Although the new algorithms are a big improvement over the earlier iterations, they're still far from being able to handle any general case. They still need a huge amount of care.
So, after working on this tool for a while and showing all of that good stuff on my character thread, I just had to take a break and go back to work on the actual character art. The community showed a lot of love and interest for my tool. That's great. Only I didn't consider the fact that not everybody are interested in seeing the character progress. That's the reason why I decided to create this thread so that those who are only interested in keeping up with the tool development can have a space dedicatod to just that. I'll keep posting some updates related to the developement of this tool on the original thread for those who likes both sides of the topic. By the way, here's a link to it: Sharp Edge (a game character)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Some stuff you might want to ask:
What's next? I'm planning on keeping developing this tool as I go along with the developement of my character. That involves going back and forth between those two things. Since I'm an artist to the core, I don't really like to focus on the coding side of things for too long without seeing the benefit of it on my art. Therefore, don't expect a constant stream of updates. Most likely there will be some long periods of silence along the way. Please, be patient.
Are you going to share this tool? Yes, actually I'm planning on releasing it for free. I feel like this would benefit both the game development community and me in the long run.
When will this be ready? Don't know. Don't expect it to be out before september 2018. Most likely later. You need to realize that I'm not working on this stuff full-time. Also, keep in mind that so far I only showed the best case scenarios. Since I want to look cool, I'm not showing how many bugs are there. Just trust me when I say it still needs a lot of work before I can release it.
What if I'm not a Maya user? You might have noticed that I'm not referring to this tool strictly as a Maya plug-in anymore. That's because I was carefull enough to keep the Maya code decoupled from the core functionality of the program. In simple terms, it should be possible to create a stand-alone version of this tool with the same exact functionalities as the Maya plug-in version.
Can I use this tool to quadrangulate anything? Just learn topology, son! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Now some good news for those who can't wait to see more: I'm quite close to a point in which I have to develope this tool further to overcome one of it's limitations. So, I guess the next update is not too far ahead. See you then. Cheers!
Any chance you'd consider making this for Blender?
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i dont have that mesh anymore, but it was just two planes stitched to each other
no that video doesnt help because it places uvs outside of 01, but it should be inside of 01 because it crashes maya otherwise right?
in the vid. one shell is also outside of 01 no?
nice to hear that
The video shows how to manage the uv space in MD. Basicly all you have to do is to make sure that the light blue square surrounds all of your patterns. That square rappresents the 0:1 space. So, in the video, something goes outside the 0:1 space because the light blue square was set not surrounding that pattern when the project was exported.
Another thing you maybe should know...i am not sure if this is expected behaviour:
Plane + smaller plane + internal line from "smaller plane sewed to it
after trigger that script the smaller plane will not line up with the grid of the bigger one
side-view ("upper right green quad" is the same as the "upper right quad" of the top image)
(the mesh combination is somewhat like a chest bag of a shirt)
You're right! Although I should at the very least make sure that the tool doesn't freak out with zero degrees angles. I bet right now it does...
Found another "bug".
When running the tool, and deleting the history afterwards, everything is fine.
But when running that tool, making a copy of that mesh (shift+d), and delete the history on that copied mesh, i cant add a material on that copied mesh.
Great, thanks for letting me know! I'll investigate on that.
Soon I'll release the updated version with all the UV related problems fixed. I can't do it right now because I have a lot to deal with those days. But it's going to be out as soon as I sort everything out.
I just wanted to let you know that version 0.20 is available:
The annoying random crashes are still all there. But the UV related ones have been all cleared. Plus, you'll now be able to work with welded or unwelded geometries alike. The program doesn't really care about that anymore.
Feel free to give me feedback!
just test the hell out of it
I'll have to check that. I haven't actually tested on Maya 2019 'cause I don't have it installed on my computer...
Hi Maya 2019 users, looks I was dumb and compiled the 2019 version in 32bit mode. That's why it did not load. Sorry about that.
It should be fixed now. Let me know if is there any other problem or if anyone can't load the plugin.
for those of you who would like to have jQuadCloth for Maya 2020, I just compiled it and updated the files in Gumroad. You can just download it from the usual link:
The code was not changed at all though. So it's still version 0.20 and it's unstable as usual. Have fun!
if not, do you plan to transfer the project to someone so it can be developed any further?
Let me get back to this next month. I'm currently a little stressed over other things. But I will have a thought about this in the meantime and figure out what do I want to do with it.
Do you have any plan to release this amazing thing's source code as open-source ?
I want to take a look deeply into source code.
Any chance this can be released for Maya 2022?
is out for maya 2022 & 2023 😅
The jQuadrangulateCloth tool thread
Any chance you'd consider making this for Blender?