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Sci Fi Mech

polycounter lvl 10
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derugin.s polycounter lvl 10
Hi I create new work 3d game ready model

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  • AlirezaMorgan
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    AlirezaMorgan polycounter lvl 6
    looks great 
    kinda reminds me of the designs in Metal Gear Solid 4
    specially the legs reminds me of the mechs in that game
  • derugin.s
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    derugin.s polycounter lvl 10
    Hi , yep, maybe
    Some people think that it looks like Logikoma from ghost in the shell

    To create this model I was inspired concept of Benjamin Last https://www.artstation.com/artwork/egDZX
    It game ready model, this have 20000 tris
    It can be used in unreal engine or unity, or similar engines, but may be we will neds to corect bone settings and work relationships. I did not spend a lot of time on it because this is a personal work.

    Thanks for the comment.

  • VisualTech48
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    VisualTech48 triangle
    The model look superb, especially the cloth, however as the sister of black panther said "What are thooose:"  
    As well a common sci-fi thing are the panelling which I do believe is getting overused a lot, and it doesn't serve a purpose at all for having so many panels, in that shape to be there, so it kinda brakes it for me on the top.

    A lof of foks have spoken about each part of the model has to have it purpose and why its there and that is what makes the object more believable and better in the long run.

    Other than that really nice work, and keep it up mate!
  • derugin.s
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    derugin.s polycounter lvl 10
    On the feet I guess
    this is a ceramic plate in the pockets that perform protection, after destroying into the pocket a new plate is placed.

    Seams at the top of the floor are similar to restorative welding seams (according to the drawing) it was supposed that this would show the paneling of the structure, I wanted to show that this part was restored
    (but it turned out a lot of angles)

    Thanks a lot for the comment
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