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Open World

Hi i'm trying to build the terrain for my game and have a few questions first is if i only want to concentrate on one island can i build that and then add more landscape later. second i want to make it take the character 45 mins to walk from top to bottom of island is there a size chart or reference that will help with this. lastly is it better to build terrain in world machine or unreal landscape


  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    To make the player walking for 45 minutes to get from one end to the another, make his movement speed 2 km / hour and make the landscape 1,5 km size. Because:
    lets say he walks on 2km/ h (2000m / hour) , divided by 60 (minutes) = 33.333333...m /per minute * 45 = 1500  -> which is the needed landscape size in meters.

     If you want some another walk speed, the needed landscape size can be calculated using a simple math like the one above.
  • michiKing
    wow thanks man really apperciate that
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