I feel like the proportions are off across the model. I think they are too thin. She seems like a more solid stylized body rather than a super model stylized. You have the front profile of the face pretty good. The chin however is too pointy. The highlights in the art show softer curves.
Cool concept choice, and nice start! This thing that immediately stands out to me is that you are trying to make the face shape in a straight on view based on the concept where the head is tilted up. This is skewing the proportions of your chin and lower lip quite a bit. The chin/jaw should be a little longer and the lower lip more full, As the face gets more tilted up, the jaw line kind of straightens and the lower lip becomes less visible.
To double check, I would try to make a render of the face in roughly the same position as the head and see how it looks.
Thanks a lot supremedalek925! I will definitely check the cheeks Here is another update. Worked mainly on the muscles. This is the reference I followed to achieve the rhythm.
Here is an update.
Couple of references from internet helped me a lot to understand the anatomy.
Here is another update. Worked mainly on the muscles.
This is the reference I followed to achieve the rhythm.