Hi everyone, this is my first post here! I've been lurking for a while and I'm enjoying seeing everyone's work. This is pretty much my first concept art project and I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm going off of a few Youtube videos, and the works of Riot Games concept artists (although I am going to take a CGMA class for character design this summer). From what I've gathered, the concept art process is something like: idea --> initial exploration sketches --> refinement and variations --> turnarounds and final concept.
In my quest for bettering myself in this, I've created a project to create 7 demons/mythological girls to represent the seven sins. The first one I'm going to tackle is Lust. I decided she should be some kind of succubus. Here is the first stage of sketching:

Please let me know what you think is working out and what isn't, or which ones you like/dislike! It's honestly pretty difficult getting creative and making a bunch of different designs. What are some good ways to think outside of the box during this stage? Any helpful feedback and critique is welcome! Thanks!!
Also, I have a writer friend I'm collaborating with for this project. We decided that this lust demon should have the ability to change their sex at will. So an alternate male/masculine version will be part of this demon as well. They also have the ability to change into a human form. The idea is that they can change to whichever sex their target prey is sexually attracted to, seduce them, then consume their soul. This demonic form is their true form, so to speak.
The general premise of the story is the demon girls, who each embody a sin, co-exist with each other in a supposedly haunted house on Earth. A human man wanders in and the demons have taken an unusual liking to him, so he moves in with them. The demons try to help this guy, who is depressed and down on his luck, with their own unique ways according to their sin. The tone is a dark comedy and we've entertained the idea of creating a visual novel as our project.
My personal goal is to create a presentable portfolio for concept art.
For the heads, I like 4 and 5 the most, though 3 and 6 are close seconds.