Hi everyone!
I introduce myself, I am Sergio Martín an aspiring 3D artist currently working as game designer and programmer, and I wanted to show you an environment I made for a contest.
I had two technical requirements: less than 12k tris and use only one texture.
So here is the result! Critics and comments are welcome!

You can see more renders, wireframes and the texture I used here:
Good job! One texture sounds challenging! How big was your texture? So the first thing that stands out to me is the grass colour. I think it's not quite working in the colour scheme for me. I feel like it should be more of a saturated green and less blue.
I like to use Adobe Colour Wheel for my Colour Schemes. https://color.adobe.com/create/color-wheel/ Either an analogous or a triad colours scheme could be nice. This is what I got trying to pick your colours:
I'd also work on the grass texture. The horizontal lines catch my eye. Something with splodges of shapes might work with varying hues/values. If you are going to add lines I'd go for lines that spiral out from the center of each splodge. Hopefully this example shows what I mean:
The last point I'd make is to watch your texel density. This area looks like the resolution is a lot lower than elsewhere:
I highly appretiate your comments, thank you!
It is true that I changed the color of the grass to a blue shade to match the blue of the wall, but yeah, I should try to saturate more the green.
And it's true, now I see that horizontality in the grass, I had not realized.
I have to remake the arc texturing and UVs, because I was ran out of time for the contest. Also, I would like to do a diorama with the third render.
The texture is 2048x2048 by the way.
Thank you again, this helps a lot ^^