Hi everyone!
I am a new user here, so this is my first post.
I am making a Kodak Instamatic 233 model in my spare time. I started to work on this model recently, mostly in my spare time. I already made a low-poly and baked it in substance painter. I know that It might use some more work on the UVs since I am going to use a single 2K texture for it. That is the reason why am I posting it here. I like to think that my modeling and texturing skills are at an intermediate level but I still need advice from experienced users here. I need advice on how can I further optimize my UV layout.

This is the baked low-poly (4386 tris)

Current UV layout
if anyone has some suggestions for improving this UV layout, that would be great
It turned out ok using the last layout. All the details are visible with 2K textures, so I am happy. I know the UV layout could be just a bit more optimized, but I left it the way it was.
Others are welcome to c&c.
Here is the artstation link to the project: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/ywgwR