Greetings from the Principium team! We are a group of seven third year students from NHTV University of Applied Sciences in Breda, the Netherlands. We have been working on this cinematic short film project for 17+ weeks, from it's conception and storyboard to the stage you see now. We hope to complete and release this short film in July, 2018.
The goal of this topic is to share weekly progress updates of the final stages of our project.
Feel free to comment, ask questions, or leave feedback!
The following images are the completed versions of the Node 1 and Zvezda module of our space ship, made by our modellers and matte painters, Wouter van Stenis and Keriem Dijksma!
The following are some stills from our opening shot, which is a combination of 3D and matte painting. These are still a work in progress, but that's what this thread is for after all!
I know they're WIPs, but I'll be interested in how your group will decide to balance out the details and focus of the shots. The stills are really saturated with rich sculpt and texture details, which is great to read, but I'll look forward to how you'll adjust fog/lights/DOF to prevent detail overload.
I know they're WIPs, but I'll be interested in how your group will decide to balance out the details and focus of the shots. The stills are really saturated with rich sculpt and texture details, which is great to read, but I'll look forward to how you'll adjust fog/lights/DOF to prevent detail overload.
Hi BoonS, thanks for your feedback! What you see here is our first pass, so we still have some iterating to do! But this is definitely something we want to address in the coming weeks, particularly with balancing the gamma and contrast, as well as having more of a balance between detail and non-detail.
Hi everyone! Today I want to talk a bit about photogrammetry!
In this project, we decided to use photogrammetry to create a 3D model of our astronaut! Here is what we've done so far:
Space Expo Noordwijk were kind enough to let us scan their Apollo suit replica, so our rigger Jesse Kielman volunteered to be an astronaut for the day! Here are the inital results which Wouter van Stenis ( took, without any cleanup:
They projected the scan back on to the retopologised model to preserve as much of the scan as possible, and then went on to sculpt and define the details that didn't translate over from the scan. Once this was up to a good standard, the high poly sculpted result is backed into a displacement map, and then on to look development!
Wouter van Stenis ( created a material for the fabric of the suit which also has horizontally tiling stitching which utilises a second set of UVs which our modellers created as they were retopologising. The stitching was then layered within the material.
How the stitching is achieved in Substance Designer:
So far we have really enjoyed working with photoscans to improve our workflow! Coming soon will be updates on Keriem and Barts' progress, along with the completed astronaut!
See their portfolios here:
Wouter van Stenis:
Keriem Dijksma:
Wouter van Stenis
Keriem Dijksma
The following are some stills from our opening shot, which is a combination of 3D and matte painting. These are still a work in progress, but that's what this thread is for after all!
Modelling, texturing and matte painting: Wouter van Stenis ( and Keriem Dijksma (
Lighting, rendering and compositing: Michiel van Ommen (
Modelling and texturing: Bart Walhout (
In this project, we decided to use photogrammetry to create a 3D model of our astronaut! Here is what we've done so far:
Space Expo Noordwijk were kind enough to let us scan their Apollo suit replica, so our rigger Jesse Kielman volunteered to be an astronaut for the day! Here are the inital results which Wouter van Stenis ( took, without any cleanup:
Our modeller Bart Walhout ( did the photo scanning, and then Keriem Dijksma ( then cleaned up the results so that we had a better idea of what we're working with
Then Keriem Dijksma (, Wouter van Stenis ( and Bart Walhout ( created and UVd the retopologised version
They projected the scan back on to the retopologised model to preserve as much of the scan as possible, and then went on to sculpt and define the details that didn't translate over from the scan. Once this was up to a good standard, the high poly sculpted result is backed into a displacement map, and then on to look development!
Wouter van Stenis ( created a material for the fabric of the suit which also has horizontally tiling stitching which utilises a second set of UVs which our modellers created as they were retopologising. The stitching was then layered within the material.
How the stitching is achieved in Substance Designer:
How the second set of UVs look:
Final result:
And this is how it looks with the completed material, which was worked on by Wouter van Stenis (
So far we have really enjoyed working with photoscans to improve our workflow! Coming soon will be updates on Keriem and Barts' progress, along with the completed astronaut!
Photoscanned, cleaned up, textured and sculpted by:
Wouter van Stenis (,
Keriem Dijksma ( and
Bart Walhout! (
The following are some stills of the film, we would love to hear your feedback!