Hello everyone i just started to digital painting with my wacom intuos tablet about 2-3 month ago and i really want to learn how to crate assets with handpaint/stylized style for games.

Heres what i did;

i really like to achieve the style from games like world of warcraft.
Thanks for comments
Have a good day.
I think your missing a lot of edge highlights, specular and a main light source, that helps define what material is metal/shinier. Take a look at real world reference to help you light different thing. Usually hand painted models are painted with top down lighting but its completely up to you really.
On the lamp post and shield your missing a lot of extra detail like scratch's and dents and ware and tare. These little things help make the hand painted texture look far more interesting. And again your missing the edge lights that help define the materials.
This tutorial is super helpful for learning how to hand paint an environment from start to finish, it helped me a lot.
Also i'll be glad if u have more resources like this
I am not absolutely certain what your mental breakdown of the illustration is, but there's elements you're missing that get a little more pointed out if I up the contrast on your image, like so below:
1) No harsh specular highlighting of the metal texture. Metal reflects light stronger and a lot harsher in general given it's conductive property.
2) Edges catch light harsher than flat wide areas. Your texture doesn't reflect this based on the geometry outside of the thing line at the base.
3) Your damages on the edges and surface of the metal are thin and "speak weakly" instead of being chunky and strong. Exaggerate the details.
4) You seem to be lighting things by just adding more black or white to a lot of the texture. Objects shift hues when values change. A decent rule of thumb going forward is in light gets warmer in color temperature (yellow/orange), and dark areas get colder in color temperature (bluer)
5) If push comes to shove, just project the illustration on the texture map and build it out from there.
6) Use subtle value gradients to bring attention to focal points of the object, like the lamp head being lighter than the base of the post. This can just beign wtih a simple black to white position-driven gradient on the object.
The DOTA 2 art guide for characters does a great job breaking down for newbies what high level thinking goes into the design of their handpainted assets. I highly recommend studying it.
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