Hello everybody
ive been learning zbrush and 3d modeling for quite sometime now but this is the first post here , i dont seem to find good place to share my art and get some critiques and stuff so heres what ive been working in the past 2 weeks
its based from Faora , the lady that came with Zod in man of steel in case you dont know her

have fun

everytime i sculpt the head i always feel that there is something i have to do to take it to another lvl .. i just cant figure it out lol

here is some extras to get used to hard surface

and poly-paint

and thats it , im not planning on adding stuff maybe just a cape , refine it a lil .. and i really appreciate if you have any feedback critique to help me finish this
Thank you
I would say that if you feel like this you should really just try sculpting a lot of heads man. And I can say that it would benefit you greatly to make a study of the planes of the head, and then skull structure and proportions. Then from there sculpt individual faces, so you can understand the structure underneath and why the forms look like they do.
And overall you are sculpting right now in a really high subdivision, and as it seems to be dynameshed it looks blobby right now. Sculpt on a lower subd and get the proportions and the forms down, and then move up in polycount. Also it would be good if you posted full body shots as then we can see the character as a whole.
And personally I dont think you should polypaint at this stage, it hides to much of the sculpt.
and i looked for some planes and proportions ill start working on this thank you
i wasnt dynamesh its sub lvl 6 , from a base mesh
here is the full body the hand and the foot was untouched cause i wanted to do the armor too so thought itll be good to practice them separately
Thank you again