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Traditional art schools/courses

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Torch polycounter
Hi all, I wanted to get some feedback from people here regarding traditional training such as drawing and painting and some recommendation as to which colleges/courses to check out. I've been freelancing in 3D for a few years and currently work at a studio in Nottingham, UK. The studio is great, but I would love a bit more confidence with my art fundamentals, as I never really studied them previously, I just started in 3D a few years back and never really practiced the 2D side of art!

I am ideally looking for a year or 2 course, (something foundational.) I'd like to pick up the basics, e.g. perspective, form, lighting, etc. It would be great if I could also study a course that would cater towards character art, e.g. figurative studies, anatomy, proportion, gesture. Can anyone recommend any good colleges or good experiences they had on a certain course, similar to what I'm looking for? I'm looking anywhere in the UK to further afield, such as Berlin or Italy. One friend recommended SACI in Florence: https://saci-florence.edu/   but looking to hear more suggestions if anyone has any.

Any advice would be great :smile:  Cheers!


  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter

    Hi there:

    Though I'm specifically unable too provide recommendations in relation to your request, there are online alternatives I assume you're well aware of, however in any case I'll link this recent top ten listing compiling their respective traditional Art curriculum presently on offer:


    Just as an aside, although a much less expensive avenue my honest opinion is that these courses of study don't detract one iota from the degree of expertise a given tuition pathway encompasses or is more readily available to students. So in this regard a standout would be Schoolism, their veteran instructors run the full gamut of the visual artistic spectrum from digital, film, games to traditional disciplines and at the very least will provide a solid preparatory foundation until such time you've settled upon a suitable established academic route. 

  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    Check Vilppu Academy ,Barnstone studios, New master academy, Proko ,Watts Atelier .They are all good and different in the same time also the way information in presented is different  so you have to pick what works best for you

  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Thank you guys, I will check out that list of online schools too. I'm ideally looking for training on site to be honest, something like an intensive foundational course....also living abroad would be a bonus :smiley:  cheers
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