Hi friends, newbie here learning to do game hair. Following an awesome guide made by nimlot, but I've run into some issues.
I've groomed and styled some tufts of hair, but when i render it I'm finding that
INDIVIDUAL strands are missing. I am bad at rendering in general, and cant figure out whats wrong on my own.
Couple of problem spots highlighted in red below
I am rendering as tga. and am using all the default scanline renderer thingies. Havent messed with any render options to my knowledge that could cause this.
Please help!
Have made the changes you suggested and re rendered, but I get this result: Pretty much the same
God this sucks so much
It says "File not allowed" for some reason..
Double or quadruple your render resolution to check if sampling is the problem (if your hair taper out to zero it might be a lot smaller than a pixel, so it might make sense to increase the thickness a bit) which might also be an adequate solution to your problem. (Very high supersampling and increased resolution is more or less the same.)
MR Prims would be another option, but they might be no longer available in 2018.
I don't know whether or not I am using hair and furs own buffer - I think i am? I havent converted the hair and fur to mesh. I just have a plane with hair & fur modifier on and have styled it and clicked render. Where do i see whether i am using hair & furs own buffer, and where can I if so increase the sampling? I have made sure that the hair doesnt taper out to zero. Will try rendering at 8k from 4k and see if it has an influence. Thanks!
There should be link to your hair render settings somewhere in the Hair and Fur modifier or you can access it under environment effects. Might make sense to turn it to geometry for a test if you haven't, since those errors look like they are limited to certain "buckets", which Scanline doesn't have.
This is a normal render I assume? So clipping shouldn't be an issue either.
Alternatively you could try upping the values for the H&F buffer renderer, including memory usage.