Here I have peeled a UV island. Relaxed it and the space between the vertical lines are correct.
but if I use the straighten tool it sort of ignores/automates the distancing between each segment. In Modo it seems to do a better job of calculating this when straightening. Is there anything I can do with Max's unwrap tools to ensure it keeps more faithful to the original spacing?
If it's on a cylinder I just use a cylindrical unwrap with normalisation turned off instead of fannying about
Straighten sometimes f##ks up and you just have to fix it yourself. Like @poopipe I have align vertical/horizontal on hotkeys. If you use the peel mode(for non-perfectly cylindrical islands) then don't relax the island straight after, use the pins to pull it straight and then manually align the borders. Very fast with hotkeys.
And also, another method is to straighten the island borders and relax it with boundary points fixed. This works exactly like HeadusUV rectangle tool.
There is always going to be some trade-off between distortion and straightened islands. Personally I don't mind a little distortion if it means I have nice straight border edges for baking.
I had a few times that issue and I had the impression it was a bug. I solved it selecting the full object and applying a "quick planar map". Nothing else seem to work.
Then doing exactly the same seams and UV steps the straighten tool works perfectly.
Solution (or at least works for me) quick planar of the full object and redo the UVs. Perhaps there are other workarounds for this bug.
That solves the problem, but the only way to move the verts to 0 that I can see is to select them and move them manually, that seems cumbersome and imprecise. I suppose there is a better way to do it.
This how looks in UV view
It would be handy if anybody suggest how to move them to 0 in a easier way but in any case a big thanks to Poopipe. I had this problem lots of times and I had no idea how to solve it until now.
By the way this is evidently a nasty bug. Tested with Max Unwarp pro plugin from Silagui and it has not this problem.
Scaling all verts with only scale vertical also works fine.
But setting W to 0 is one line of script.