Hey guys,
So this will be my very first environment art submission. All of my previous projects are either props,vehicles and character sculpting, so I've never worked in UE4 before. I don't have much time to finish this for my university final project and I still need to work out how to make HTC Vive work with this, ideally with a camera moving on rails and the user can look around. But this is what I got so far, and depending how it will go, I will either do one street, or a full block. Everything is being done in UE4. Would love to hear what you think, and I am aware it isn't much as it is right now! Also I am using a bunch of modular sets, as I had absolutely not enough time for this huge of a project, but I am making some of the props myself. Heavily inspired by blade runner, and I will be even remaking some of the blade runner props/vehicles to fit in this scene.
Also the end result will be the usual cyberpunk rainy/night time so it might look a bit weird now being day.
My Artstation portfolio:

The other thing is that the street feels so spacious and when I think cyberpunk i think of dirty and claustrophobic city streets. like kowloon city, everyone just building and jostling on top of eachother.
overall i'm excited to see where you take this, your other work is great so I'm sure with enough love this will be too
And I'll definitely add some more high-tec stuff! Thanks for the heads up.
Also I have an issue. I am not getting any ambient occlusion in my scene, does anyone know why? I even tried making a new clean level, and the AO is just not working. (Using post processing settings)
Sorting out road at the moment
Thinking about adding a burned spinner car model as a little easter egg from blade runner
Screenshot is at 2x resolution
I will also have a better play with the lighting and post processing. If anyone has any tips in that regard, or wants to play around with the levels and so on, I would appreciate that.
Thought I might as well make a little fly-through of the scene. Music for the atmosphere haha! Hope you like it. Not calling this finished yet. Also as you can see I toned out the strong magenta color filter, not sure if I like it more neutral or not.
Awesome mooth, you nailed it imo!
Great work overall.
(You know what, I took a look back at the stills, and your road looks fine. It's probably video compression that's making it look smooth in the video)
I agree with @X-One, though. I would like to see a more varied road surface. Places for the water to pool and more texture on high points would bring more life to the scene.
Well done!