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Demo Reel Advice - Please take a look :)

polycounter lvl 6
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stitchshift polycounter lvl 6
Hey Guys,
I'm back again looking to pick your brains (not literally of course). 

I took peoples advice on board when I did this post: http://polycount.com/discussion/198199/portfolio-advice-cant-get-my-first-role#latest

This is my attempted stab at pushing something out there although personally I still feel absolutely intimidated posting my work up here when I compare my stuff to others lol. Never the less, no guts no glory I guess.

I have done quite a few 3D projects but my most recent was working on an animated short for a client. I based this reel more or less entirely on the output for that project. I mean I know I cant make the reel too long so I am trying to be mindful but I never know which parts to put forward.

I am going to be working on more pieces from now on but in the mean time I need something to show employers should they like what they see. Is it wise that I use everything from one project? Or should i mix in other bits, you see I just never know what I should use.

Anyway enough waffling I am posting up my old reel (which never got me an interview) and my most recent reel (based entirely on one project).
Feedback and obviously your bluntest of opinions - its the only way I'll learn.

Old reel - https://vimeo.com/105689578
New Reel -



  • sacboi
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    sacboi high dynamic range
    Good work!

    Looks as though you'd taken plenty of the salient points aboard, expressed via that linked thread. In my opinion you've competently conveyed those core attributes in relation to your speciality, a quite if I may say so, polished presentation. For me a standout is duration which was spot on (...around 3 mins) didn't provoke hitting the back button after just a few frames ;)

    (BTW viewed the reel on a smart phone)

    Basically everything gelled, timing (anim cycles) even the synched background music was appropriate helping to keep a visitor's interest throughout including character voice audio, a nice touch I don't often see in other similar examples plus asset breakdowns were not only applicable but importantly displayed the creative process succinctly. 

    So overall my impression was a proficient skillset derived from a humorous selection of fun stylistic art. Anyways hope you have better luck with this updated version, goes without saying a lot of effort alongside thought had gone into it's making and clearly most definitely shows.

  • stitchshift
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    stitchshift polycounter lvl 6
    Hey Sacboi, 

    Thanks so much for your opinion! I'm glad you think so I wasn't sure...

    I did my best to take in the points everyone made and as you know re-rendering lots of bits and pieces takes its time too. One of the things I usually always trip on is identifying the "best bits". You see to me if it looks good it should be included... being told you only have 2 minutes isn't easy to hear if you want to show much more. 

    Transitions, timing, even to the sound of the beat eats up time alone then you need decent cover and closing so your contact info stands out. Then I wasn't sure if I should have included older projects and then around and round we go. 

    I was always told to show the underline development (wire/UV/grid) of a character or asset succinctly and that eats up time too. It means a lot that you got back to me I have to say I'd been feeling a little down on it because I hadn't had any feedback until yours (I'm talking advice from creatives like myself) which to me can mean its no good to people in the field but good to anyone on the outside looking in (my mum liked it lol).

    Thanks again for looking and you have given this nervous artist a bit of a confidence boost.
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