Hi there . I'm creating a new environment. A teaser to something bigger in the future (and i need a lot of time for this idea ). For now im closing foliage assets and then i'm starting to create more robo-cyber like elements with two big focal points (not really visible on this screens because the areas are not really "lookable"). After finishing all the assets, lighting and postpro i'll upload small flythrough (1:30 with test sequence right now).
Wow, that's definitely something. But I kind of feel like the lighting is too high contrast. It makes it hard to see the actual shapes, feels to like a jumble. Here's a very quick example of something with less dark shadows could look like:
This is really incredible work! I love this man! Did you make every asset?
Everything except one rock that was made using photogrammetry by my friend from work . Texture sources for texturing are from textures.com and substance painter for texturing the robots and other non foliage elements . Some new shoots will show soon.
at first i thought those were your references and then i read your post and found out these are your WIPs i specially like the shapes and forms in your composition
Heres some teaser, test video of the environment that i'm working. Now i'm sitting less in the UE4 and more in Maya to model all the additional stuff ;]. In the final video there will more animated elements from foliage to mechanical elements.
Wow! This is really cool. I am a big Stephen King Dark Tower fan. In one of the books in the series, in the woods, there is a broken down robot bear and some other robots left behind from the old days. They are still doing their thing (I think they were supposed to be protecting some beacon or something) and are super dangerous. Some have a kind of malfunction warning that goes off periodically. It might be cool to have some recording go off periodically from the robot.
Huh, that's really something. The foliage SS looks great, and I like not being 100% certain if it's roots or tubes I'm looking at. Really sells the reclaimed technology feel.
I'm in love with this. One crit if you're willing: The sparks, though visually interesting, seem incongruent with the overgrowth on the mechanical objects. Have they recently crashed or are they relics of a past generation? The overgrowth and moss would imply significant age, but the sparks and lights imply very recent activity (have they continued sparking away over the years?). Again, it's absolutely beautiful and engaging, but that detail confuses the story you are selling for me.
Some new shoots will show soon.
i specially like the shapes and forms in your composition
Heres some teaser, test video of the environment that i'm working. Now i'm sitting less in the UE4 and more in Maya to model all the additional stuff ;]. In the final video there will more animated elements from foliage to mechanical elements.
hint: you can embed youtube here. Just paste the URL without any markup. I've fixed your post for you, hope that's OK.
swarms of mosquitos buzzing over the stagnant water would be icing on the icing.
Can't wait to see more
Can you please post some screenshots of your vegetation shader? How are you getting that translucent scattering?