Hey everyone!
Some props/environments we made for the 'workinprogress' game 'Good Company' by 'Chasing Carrots'. It's a single/multiplayer managment simulation about building, automating and optimizing your robot manufacturing company set in the late 70s / early 80s. Hope you like it and let me know what you think.
Used tools: 3dsmax, Photoshop, Unity
Actual Ingame Screenshot

InEngine Screenshot

Various stuff / animations

Diffuse texture(palette) for the forklift asset. The polygons are just UVmapped to the specific color.
AO Texture
Model / Animation
Final ingame asset
'edit': hmmm...an animated printing/plotter head would be nice...
Reminds me a lot of good old Little Big Adventure games.
Btw, what kind of rendering do you use for "GasStation", I want to render something grey like that and I need keywords to research
Thank you, Spag_Eddy!
Thank you, Cameron!
love the visuals and concept
and the team is nice too
keep up the good work