What are all of the ways to add textures to an object and in particular a ground poly? I know there are UVW Unwraps and UV Maps, but is there any way to texture without a UV for something like a terrain or road or something?
For example I found some YouTube videos of some people making roads in Photoshop but they did not have a UV, how would this work? I know I need to start following these methods but I have no idea yet as to how this works as a model.
I am trying to learn everything, any way there is to texture something because I know there are multiple ways to do something and I do not want to get stuck doing something wrong or inefficiently. I am not trying to get out of UV unwrapping. I know how to UV as well.
An example of procedural tex coords: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/SL-ImplementingTexGen.html
edit --- Ugh, shouldn't write when sick...
You are always using UVs.
These UVs can be manually set (when you unwrap your mesh in a 3D software) or computed with code (the procedural way). Doing things procedurally allows you to change the UVs in real-time to get some specific effects, like ripply water reflections etc.