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zBrush curve animation style as 3ds max spline animation?

polycounter lvl 12
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knacki polycounter lvl 12
Hi guys,

I recently was looking for a way to animate splines in 3ds max the way zBrush curves are snake like sliding.
To make it more easy, I left the "over a surface" aspect apart.
I wanted something very easy to handle, yeah almost like in zBrush, but with keyframes.

I found one script called Spline-rope
But that was pretty slow and buggy (when more than five vertices to control) in different versions of 3ds max.

Is there anything comparable to zBrush realtime curve animation for 3ds max? Or Maya at least? Blender?

Keep in mind that the spline should be in continuous movement, not just following a path.

I hope to find some 3ds max Gurus here, as they are getting rare for animations etc.
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