I think it could do with something eye-catching or iconic. A lot of this sculpt feels uninspired, and can benefit from something original. Some of the design choices are questionable, but that could just be a side product of needing more work being put into it. I think you may want to enhance the pose some more, by upping the skinny robot look, or adding more muscle and mass.
Lastly I think the pose could benefit from slightly bent knees to assist in animation, unless you're going to separate everything into individual geo, and use rigid bind for a fully mechanical route. Hope that helps!
Some of the design choices are questionable, but that could just be a side product of needing more work being put into it. I think you may want to enhance the pose some more, by upping the skinny robot look, or adding more muscle and mass.
Lastly I think the pose could benefit from slightly bent knees to assist in animation, unless you're going to separate everything into individual geo, and use rigid bind for a fully mechanical route. Hope that helps!