model Update scene! Sorry for the model blitz, I've been without internet for the last few days so I need to play catch-up. Decided to finish up the clutter on the desk before furnishing the rest of the room, mostly because I want to plan it out correctly.
model Updated scene! I rearranged a bit to better fit everything together. I'm sure there will be more changes to the layout as I add the bigger furniture.
model Day 23! Going completely off the rails now and adding a coffee table to the mix. Might be making quite a number of substitutions from now til the end since I'm ditching the bathroom props. 84 tris 256 x 256 diffuse
Can't seem to post anything to the Sketchfab forum for this topic. It says that new users are limited to 3 replies on a topic, but I don't think I'm really that new. Since it says it's temporary I was hoping it would be all good by now, but that's that!
Day Seventeen
Day 15! Mug with supplies!
116 tris
256 x 256 diffuse
Day 16! Poster!
2 tris
256 x 256 diffuse
Day 17! Scissors!
86 tris
256 x 256 diffuse
Day 18! Stapler!
40 tris
256 x 256 diffuse
Update scene!
Sorry for the model blitz, I've been without internet for the last few days so I need to play catch-up.
Decided to finish up the clutter on the desk before furnishing the rest of the room, mostly because I want to plan it out correctly.
Day 19!
72 tris
256 x 256 diffuse
Updated scene! I rearranged a bit to better fit everything together. I'm sure there will be more changes to the layout as I add the bigger furniture.
Day 20! Armchair to match the couch.
60 tris
256 x 256 diffuse
Updated the scene as usual!
Day 21! Still getting caught up with my re-order, so here's a ceiling fan!
132 tris
256 x 256 diffuse
Day 22!
162 tris
256 x 256 diffuse
Day 23! Going completely off the rails now and adding a coffee table to the mix. Might be making quite a number of substitutions from now til the end since I'm ditching the bathroom props.
84 tris
256 x 256 diffuse
Day 24! Finally got to the bed.
48 tris
256 x 256 diffuse
Updated scene!
Can't seem to post anything to the Sketchfab forum for this topic. It says that new users are limited to 3 replies on a topic, but I don't think I'm really that new. Since it says it's temporary I was hoping it would be all good by now, but that's that!
Day 25! Candles!
100 tris
256 x 256 diffuse
Updated the scene as well!
Here's my final scene! I arranged some things and made it a little less mechanical, a little more cluttered.
This was a really fun challenge!
And I've got some screenshots of the scene lit in Unreal on Artstation.