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Updating Existing Textures for SP Question

I have some unique color textures previously created in Photoshop that are fixed at 1K or 2K. These used the pre-PBR AO and Cavity multiplied over the diffuse layers method. I know that I can delete the AO and Cavity layers (save them out separately).  I'm updating some scenes to the PBR workflow using Substance Painter. Do most of you just forget about previous pre-Substance Painter textures or import some and still work with them (spec-gloss)? I have a lot of hours invested in some spec maps. Do I just "move on" after mumbling some curse words? If I rebake in Substance Painter I can try to take advantage of the curvature map options, etc.

I'm going to update/convert some scenes to PBR/Substance Painter workflow.

Thanks in advance.
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