Hello people!!!
I am trying to increase variety in my portfolio (
https://www.artstation.com/marcoantoniomeirelescarvalho) and so I have decided to create a crossbow. Here I am going to show my progress with it. I am open to critics and any comment.
So... I have drawn a quick sketch for my crossbow (I am not a concept artist but I want to increase my art style):

I have been making some modeling inside 3dsmax and this is what I have got until now:

Here are some reference I used:

Which one do you like the most, comparing with my previous post?
Also, I'm checking out your other weapons on Artstation and they all look hella sick.
Are you following any reference for those or just go freestyle? is it a combination of dam standard and trim dynamic?
I have just finished the low poly and made the bakes. I still have to texture it inside substancePainter but I have already set the material setup.
Here you have.
Any help, idea or comment about how to improve its textures will be appreciated. Don't be shy. There is always a way to improve it.
[I removed this project because it was too old]