Hey Folks!
For anyone attending GDC 2018 - Autodesk will be holding an Indie Games Summit Wed Mar 21st 1-2:30pm, where we will be showing off some new work (see below) and having a round-table discussion to better understand how we can help Indie Game devs and artists working on interactive content. Details and registration are here: http://www.cvent.com/d/7tq4qz
If you are at GDC, it would be fantastic to have your voice at this event. Please RSVP if you are interested and feel free to share with anyone you think would like to attend as well. Here’s some of what we’ll be talking about:
- A new interop workflow between Maya / Max / Maya LT and Unity
- Recent features that make rigging and modelling simpler and faster
- ...And more!
You will learn some new skills here that we hope will speed up your workflow and let you focus more on making games, and it's a great opportunity to let us know where else we can help you best.
Laurence Cymet

Finally - I kept tell the AD guys who visited us each year that this would be really, really nice! crossing my fingers, hope AD will be giving us something good with this!
Make it avaiable at Steam
Mudbox Bundle
At first i sayed tthat Unreal4 is your Renderer but after using Modo with Materials/Matcaps/Round Edge Shader i really miss the Maya LT Render Option.
Most indie developers are starting on Blender and later on they will be real studio and autodesk will lose a lot of business.