Hi people. So, i got this project as a self motivation one and also as a oportunity to grow my knowledge about this theme.
The final goal of this project is to make a 3d game-ready model, so i still have a lot to learn and apply over this project and i really would love to get some critics while im still prototyping it.
I started with some raugh draws by hand and then move it to pc and paint it as cover the line as well.

After this, i made the first blockout from the concept and what i had in mind and as i expose to the community i got a lot of great critics which showed me the better way to make it.

So i made another concept with improvements for the tree and also update the model, but it still a blockout.


So as i was getting a lot of critics then made a quick render on Substance Painter to help show what kind of style i wanna go. _Low res because i used giphy to make this.

Now im about study parasite plants, cuteness factor and character composition. Im still studying to learn as much as possible from this, so im picking a bit of each at once as i still have another projects to work on.
I made over 30 variations in order to identify the cutest and functional creature to go and work over the best 3 of them.

(25/02/18) These are the best of those.
Thank you for checkout this post and i would love to get some critics over this project or any tip about anything. Im working very slow on this project but i'll always check out this post and be active.
I would love to get some critics over this even if its just a sample of what im going for.
Why does he have tree and practice target on his head ?
Let me guess : He is embarrassed of his hair style / He is like one of this crabs that take dead snail shell to protect themself(hermit crab) /he looks like a tree spirit so is this remains of the tree he was suppose to protect /is tree like a egg yolk - life support or just cool hat
Roots looks kind of short for such big tree
The tree isnt that big tho, the creature is a bit bigger than a puppy but i guess i didnt manage to represent this in a good way
I personally like second on bottom row , but you have to make this leaves work , maybe something like braids close to his head until they pop up under the tree
If you going to cute try bigger eyes and ski jump ramp short nose
So, this was everything i made for this piece since march, now im just waiting for more critics in order to fix what i can and make it better.
Im probably gonna comeback here on the end of the month because its when i plan to have the high poly version finished. Thank you for read this and please leave a comment/critic, PLEASE!!