Hey all!
It's been awhile since I've tackled a portfolio piece so I wanted to do it right and start a WIP thread on Polycount to hold myself to completing it.
Found the concept I wanted to tackle:

I really like the mood/lighting in this concept. I've actually had this image saved on my computer for awhile now as something I've wanted to recreate in 3D. As a first pass, I want to just capture the look established in this concept. Potentially if I have time I want to spiff it up and start telling a story in it. Maybe a horror scene, haven't decided yet.

I did a quick and dirty perspective traceover to help me block it out in 3D. The initial concept is very loose in some places so I figured it'd be helpful to get a more accurate breakdown of the scene.

Here's a modular breakdown of the scene. I ended up with this asset list:
Trash Bag
Light Fixtures
Old AC Unit
Billboards/Picture Frames/Announcements/Posters
Fire Alarm things (?)
Painted Wall
Water Fountain (?)
Pipes (?)
Things marked with question marks are nice to haves or things to embellish the scene more.
My current plan is:
1st Stage:
Basic Blockout
Lighting/Post Process
Basic Material Blockout (Colors, Reflectance, Emissive)
Final Assets
2nd Stage:
Storytelling Concept
Additional Asset Blockout
Lighting/Post Process Tweaks
Finalize Additional Assets
Here's my additional references:
https://imgur.com/a/BDnAaI'm unsure what my final render will be in yet. I know it'll be in either Marmoset 3 or Unreal 4.
Quick blockout + base lighting pass. Using Marmoset atm for quick previews so I don't have to worry about baking.